I recently built a cli application as a nearly-one-shot-app called {.bg-blue-900 .border-r-8 .border-black .rounded-xl .max-w-xl .p-6 .font-bold} {.bg-green-900
馃挱 Add Helix 路 Waylonwalker/Devtainer@71B9B29
Helix officially made it in my devtainer. I am installing the binary right out of the github release with wget and tar
馃挱 Helix-Vim/Config.Toml At Master 路 Lgug2Z/Helix-V...
Here are some really great keybinds to make helix vim-like. It feels very antithetical to use this whole sale and foreg
馃挱 Configuring Pylsp 路 Helix-Editor/Helix 路 Discuss...
How to set your python formatter to black with helix. The following snippet lays out how to set the helix editor to aut
馃挱 Help On Setting Up Ruff Formatter + Ruff + Pyrig...
This post shows how to set up multiple LSP's in helix, the example uses pyright and ruff-lsp for python. Add this to yo
馃挱 Background Image | Wallpaper 路 Issue #3059 路 Hel...
How to make helix themes transparent. You can make any built-in theme transparent in helix with one line, a few extras
馃挱 Support Regex Substitution Command 路 Issue #2232...
I am a heavy user off substitutions in vim, helix does not substitutions built in, rather it leans on multicursor suppor
馃挱 Support Regex Substitution Command 路 Issue #2232...
Interesting take on refactoring the whole codebase from your editor. In this thread the-mikedavis suggests multicursor
馃挱 Support Regex Substitution Command 路 Issue #2232...
Here is a really good vim substitute with regex capture groups, saving this one for a rainy day. md Reading 1: T
馃挱 Support Regex Substitution Command 路 Issue #2232...
helix multicursor has the ability to do what vims :s/hello/world/gc does by using ) to cycle through cursors, and n
馃挱 Elwin Ransom 馃懡 On X: "Help, I'M Being Helix Pill...
Is Jesse going to get sniped by the helix community?
Vim has a handy feature to format text with ![ ![
馃挱 Find And Replace One Eyed Kirby
another great use and demo of the one eyed fighting kirby
Refactoring One Line Links Into Wikilinks
Previously I had setup a feature of my website to expand one line links into a [ Wikilinks are standard to a lot of wikis written in markdown. The wikilink synt
馃挱 My Harpoon Config
Install it lua { "ThePrimeagen/harpoon", branch = "harpoon2", dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
馃挱 From Vim To Zed - Youtube
I found this statement quite intriguing. > multi-cursors are just macros. This is quite a philisophical video and most
馃挱 The One Eyed Fighting Kirby
I've heard prime say just give it the one eyed fighting kirby so many times, and execute it few times, and there is no
Nvim Stupid Gf Bind
So after months of fighting with gf not going to template files, I finally This was the dumbest keybind in my config, that I copied from someone else I have jin
馃挱 Diagnostic - Neovim Docs
Clear out lsp diagnostics in nvim. lua lua vim.diagnostic.reset()
馃挱 Bob Belderbos On X: "Forget Python For A Sec, He...
I need to learn regex capture groups better. This is so dang powerful. I really like the \v that bob uses here, it real
馃挱 Formatting On Save 路 Jose-Elias-Alvarez/Null-Ls....
neovim stopped formatting on save for me awhile ago and I have just been dealing with it. looks like there may have bee
馃挱 Lazyvim Installation
Lately in 2023 I have been leaning on lazyvim for my new setups where I am not necessarily ready to drop my full config.
Nvim Navic
With the latest release of version of nvim 0.8.0 we get access to a new winbar nvim exposes the winbar api in lua, and you can send any text to the winbar as fo
Vimgrep Open Buffers
How to vimgrep over hidden files. I needed to delete all build pipeline steps that were named Today After searching through all the projects it was clear that
Vim Plugged Snapshot
A few of my friends and I all just borked our neovim configs during a plug https://twitter.com/pypeaday/status/1524882893914398732 Lucky for me I did it on a ho
Automatically Generate A List Of Markdown Links In...
Let Before you run someone Something that I have always appreciated form Searchng through the internet I was able to find an article from Here is my interpretat
Open Files With Nvim Remote
I recently found a really great I have this added to my In my workflow I open a tmux session for each project, so this First open neovim, but with the If you
Neovim Config For Git
Creating a minimal config specifically for git commits has made running The other thing that is engrained into my muscle memory is Here is the config that has
Tmux And Vim Clipboard For Ubuntu
One of the first things I noticed broken in my terminal based workflow moving First off you need to get I have tmux setup to automatically copy any selection I
Markata Filters As Telescope Pickers In Neovim
I often pop into my blog from neovim with the intent to look at just a To tie these into a Telescope picker you add the command as the NOTE telescope treates ea
Rename Python Variables With Nvim
I don I first tried the nvim lsp rename, and it failed, Then I pip installed Once you have rope installed you can call rename on the variable.
Remove Vim Tab Characters
I It turns out they are tabs, and you can get rid of the little leading
List All The Files Containing A Phrase
One of the most useful skills you can acquire to make you faster at I Passing the flag Giving
Serve Html From Your Command Line
When I first moved to vim from and ide like vscode or sublime text one of my You will need a way to run another process alongside vim, here are a couple use bac
Opening Files In Vim From Output Of Command
Many command line tools can output a list of files, this is quite powerful. Telescope is the fuzzy file finder I use every day inside of neovim. Its pretty Thi
Finding Hidden (Dotfiles) Using Telescope In Neovi...
Finding hidden files using Telescope as you fuzzy file finder is not too I have this keymap set to help me list out all files including hidden see the
Fugitive Verbose Commit
Fugitive comes with a pretty sick way to commit files and see the diff at the example of a verbose commit in fugitive
You Must Use Augroup With Autocmd In Vim | Here'S ...
If you are running vim autocmd https://youtu.be/2ITTn4Dl0lc For Lets create a new file called I What you need to do is clear out all commands in the augroup w
Setup A Yaml Schema | Yamlls For A Silky Smooth Se...
I The video for this one is part of a I have my You will need the following plugins. I use plug, if you don Make sure that you have nvim Again if you don Next
How Linux Users Install A Text Editor
In honor of the neovim 0.6.0 release, I decided to do a funny skit installing https://youtu.be/64oKLphhBuo The thing that took me the longest to realize was....
I Made A Neovim Plugin
I Check out the project I want a simple way to make remaps into shell commands that can open new tmux For example I want to make remaps to do things like open
Modal Jumping
Vim Wsl Clipboard
I wsl can access clip.exe. You can do some cool things with it, such as Let pipe streams of text into clip.exe I recently made mine feel a bit more natural by
Vim Replace Visual Star
Replacing text based on whats in the current search register is a quite handy If there is one thing that I Like most about vim it Vim can often be a bit verbose
Save Vim Macro
If you are like me, you have created a macro or two that is pure glory, and you forget how you made it after a day or so, or you immediately want to store it aw
Live Substitution In Neovim
Replacing text in vim can be quite frustrating especially since it doesn I had to do a bit of searching and found a great post from I believe that this is a ne
Keep Location List Closed
Vim Location List eating up the screen while I am zoomed in and trying to live code Through some google search I found the culprit was syntastic. It has an I
Keyboard Driven Vscode
Reimagining my tmux configuration inside of vscode.
Vim Notes
I have gone quite awhile without using edit a macro register register quickfix gF <C-x> zn