vim date
When I want to put a date in a document like a blog post from vim I use !!date from insert mode. Note that entering `!!` from normal mode puts you in command m
bump I recently built a cli application as a nearly-one-shot-app called [nvim-manager](https://github.com/waylonwalker/nvim-manager). It manages your nvim dotfi
馃挱 add helix 路 WaylonWalker/devtainer@71b9b29
Helix officially made it in my devtainer. I am installing the binary right out of the github release with wget and tar
馃挱 helix-vim/config.toml at master 路 LGUG2Z/helix-v...
Here are some really great keybinds to make helix vim-like. It feels very antithetical to use this whole sale and foreg
馃挱 Support regex substitution command 路 Issue #2232...
helix multicursor has the ability to do what vims :s/hello/world/gc does by using ) to cycle through cursors, and n
馃挱 Support regex substitution command 路 Issue #2232...
Here is a really good vim substitute with regex capture groups, saving this one for a rainy day. md Reading 1: T
馃挱 Support regex substitution command 路 Issue #2232...
Interesting take on refactoring the whole codebase from your editor. In this thread the-mikedavis suggests multicursor
馃挱 Support regex substitution command 路 Issue #2232...
I am a heavy user off substitutions in vim, helix does not substitutions built in, rather it leans on multicursor suppor
馃挱 Background Image | Wallpaper 路 Issue #3059 路 hel...
How to make helix themes transparent. You can make any built-in theme transparent in helix with one line, a few extras
馃挱 help on setting up ruff formatter + ruff + pyrig...
This post shows how to set up multiple LSP's in helix, the example uses pyright and ruff-lsp for python. Add this to yo
馃挱 configuring pylsp 路 helix-editor/helix 路 Discuss...
How to set your python formatter to black with helix. The following snippet lays out how to set the helix editor to aut
馃挱 Elwin Ransom 馃懡 on X: "Help, I'm being Helix pill...
Is Jesse going to get sniped by the helix community?
Vim has a handy feature to format text with `gq`. You can use it in visual mode, give it a motion, or if you give it `gqq` it will format the current line. I u
馃挱 Find And Replace one eyed kirby
another great use and demo of the one eyed fighting kirby
Refactoring one line links into wikilinks
Previously I had setup a feature of my website to expand one line links into a card. This was not a standard, even to the point that some formatters wrap the l
馃挱 My harpoon config
Install it lua { "ThePrimeagen/harpoon", branch = "harpoon2", dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
馃挱 From Vim To Zed - YouTube
I found this statement quite intriguing. > multi-cursors are just macros. This is quite a philisophical video and most
馃挱 The One Eyed Fighting Kirby
I've heard prime say just give it the one eyed fighting kirby so many times, and execute it few times, and there is no
nvim stupid gf bind
So after months of fighting with gf not going to template files, I finally decided to put in some effort to make it work. This was the dumbest keybind in my con
馃挱 Diagnostic - Neovim docs
Clear out lsp diagnostics in nvim. lua lua vim.diagnostic.reset()
馃挱 Bob Belderbos on X: "Forget Python for a sec, he...
I need to learn regex capture groups better. This is so dang powerful. I really like the \v that bob uses here, it real
馃挱 Formatting on save 路 jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls....
neovim stopped formatting on save for me awhile ago and I have just been dealing with it. looks like there may have bee
馃挱 LazyVim Installation
Lately in 2023 I have been leaning on lazyvim for my new setups where I am not necessarily ready to drop my full config.
nvim navic
With the latest release of version of nvim 0.8.0 we get access to a new winbar feature. One thing I have long wanted somewhere in my nvim is navigation for pai
vimgrep open buffers
How to vimgrep over hidden files. I needed to delete all build pipeline steps that were named `upload docs`. I currently have about 60 projects running from th
You must use augroup with autocmd in vim | Here's ...
If you are running vim autocmd's without a group, you're killing your performance. Granted your probably not sourcing your vimscript files with autoc
Setup a yaml schema | yamlls for a silky smooth se...
I've gone far too long without a good setup for editing yaml files, I am missing out on autocomplete and proper diagnostics. This ends today as I setup yam
How linux users install a text editor
In honor of the neovim 0.6.0 release, I decided to do a funny skit installing neovim, and fix up my install script in the process as part of my challenge to fix
I made a neovim plugin
I've slowly adding more and more lua functions into my neovim configuration, and recently I noticed a pattern for a class of functions that reach out to ru
Vim Wsl Clipboard
I've long used neovim from within windows wsl, and for far too long, I went without a proper way to get text out of it and into windows. wsl has access to
Vim Replace Visual Star
Replacing text based on whats in the current search register is a quite handy tool that I use often. I believe I picked this tip up from Nick Janetakis, check
Live Substitution In Neovim
Replacing text in vim can be quite frustrating especially since it doesn't have live feedback to what is changing. Today I was watching Josh Branchaud'
Save Vim Macro
If you are like me, you have created a macro or two that is pure glory, and you forget how you made it after a day or so, or you immediately want to store it aw
Keep Location List Closed
Vim's (neovim in my case) location list can provide some very useful information while developing. Mine gives me information about linting and type checki
Keyboard Driven VSCode
Reimagining my tmux configuration inside of vscode.
Vim Notes
vim notes nvim lua [norcalli/neovim-plugin](https://github.com/norcalli/neovim-plugin) nvim lsp [python-lsp/python-lsp-server](https://github.com/python-lsp/pyt