This post is a big work in progress, expect it to keep getting better.

Initial Score #


404 Not Found, generate a page for each tag #


Title too long #


404 Not Found, comma separated tags #

Another hit on 404's caused by tags, was tag parsing from thoughts into posts, this cause links to the full comma separated list of tags rather than one per tag.


You can see on the website the whole dang set of tags was being treated as a single tag.


Broken images #

I'm not fully sure what happened to all of these gifs in my old host and why they didn't show up, but I moved them all and they are solid now.


I burned all of my January Credits #

So I had an issue with my self hosted shots not making them fast enough for ahrefs, and essentially ddosing myself on one of their runs. The long wait times for images burnt all of my credits.

Here was the next successful run with a HUGE improvement in overall score.


The trend for errors is looking quite good.


md files were Missing #

I had several links out to the raw source of some pages generally hosted at {slug}.md, but I had turned it off due to it causing builds to fail.


Taking another look at the error it was obvious what was going on, thoughts never had a file extension and Pathlib was throwing isADirecotryError because the path was already a directory for the index.html, adding a .md to the path for the thoughts plugin fixed it.

I made this fix in commit e0bbc on my site repo.

I wrote a cli plugin to automatically generate feeds for my tags, but I have not ran it in awhile so I had a number of posts trying to link tags to feeds that did not exist. I fixed this in commit [5d2e22](].

fix: Open Graph URL not matching canonical #

thoughts-565 fixes an error introduced while fixing og tags.