I have several feeds that you can consume my content with. Many posts will cross between them, so if you would like to follow a certain stream of content in your rss reader thats what this is for.
If you are looking for everything look here https://waylonwalker.com/archive/rss.xml
All #
This is a feed of everything that I have published on my site to date.
til #
This is a feed of all of my TIL's (Today I Learned). These are generally short single topic posts that I write up quickly. They are generally things that are fairly new to me, often things that I struggled to find support for on the internet, and felt that It needed yet one more article with my voice.
Thoughts #
These are generally my thoughts on a web page or some sort of url, except a
rare few don't have a link. These are dual published off of my
thoughts.waylonwalker.com site. It's a
fully dynamically rendered site 2000's style. Posts are stored in a database
and instantly available. Almost all of the posts were written in a small
field within a chrome extension that I built for it.
These posts are intended to in two ways. One, link building for the author. I hope that I give the people helping me out along the way just a little bit of a boost. Two, they serve as a permanant commented bookmark for me to search, and come back to later when I have forgotten where I have seen something.
stars #
I pull in all of my github stars into one feed pesos style.
Recent #
This is a shorter version of All, as it is filtered down to only the posts created within the last 30 days.
Blog #
These are my full big B Blog posts. They are what I started writing, typically take a bit more time to put together. I write fewer of them these days than I used to. I'd like to think that they are the more polished posts of the bunch.
Today #
These are only the posts that went live the day that the site last built. If my scheduled builds keep working as intended they are today's posts.
Python #
These are all the posts related to the python programming language.
Linux #
These are all the posts related to linux.
vim #
These are all the posts related to the greatest way to edit text, vim.
Careful, you might not make it out
kedro #
These are all the posts related to the python data engineering framework kedro.
gratitude #
I used to do daily gratitude posts, I might get back into it.