fixed long standing nvim startup error
Here's the diff, this is it. The error On first install of my dotfiles I'm presenting with this flashbang of an error filling the screen with red back
vim date
When I want to put a date in a document like a blog post from vim I use !!date from insert mode. Note that entering `!!` from normal mode puts you in command m
testing nvim installs
Testing fresh nvim installs can be a pain, and hard to di without borking your known good install. I've been using `NVIM_APPNAME` to run a test nvim in a
setting up nvim-manager starship prompt
I built out a tool for myself to manage my nvim configuration, and I wanted to quickly see which one I am running in my starship prompt. Here's the config
I recently built a cli application as a nearly-one-shot-app called [nvim-manager](https://github.com/waylonwalker/nvim-manager). It manages your nvim dotfiles i
๐ญ olimorris/codecompanion.nvim: โจ AI-powered codin...
Definitely need to give codecompanion.nvim a try, it looks like a competitor to windsurf but in nvim. It looks so featu
๐ญ WaylonWalker/nvim-manager: manage dotfiles with ...
New release out for nvim-manager that supports installing pre-configured distros. It's such a breeze to install these n
๐ญ Releases ยท WaylonWalker/nvim-manager
First release of nvim-manager is out. Your dotfiles change a lot, sometimes it's hard to manage all of the places you
๐ญ GitHub - ngalaiko/tree-sitter-go-template: Golan...
This setup fixed my nvim syntax highlighting in helm templates.
๐ญ Wrapping your favorite CLI in neovim - YouTube
cool video on expanding vim with cli. piping commands into vim 
๐ญ Bob Belderbos on X: "Forget Python for a sec, he...
I need to learn regex capture groups better. This is so dang powerful. I really like the \v that bob uses here, it real
๐ญ aca/emmet-ls: Emmet support based on LSP.
This is the greatest nvim emmet plugin I have tried. In the past I had tried the vim plugin a few times and just could
๐ญ Formatting on save ยท jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls....
neovim stopped formatting on save for me awhile ago and I have just been dealing with it. looks like there may have bee
๐ญ kndndrj/nvim-dbee: Interactive database client f...
A neovim database client that I need to check out.
๐ญ LazyVim Installation
Lately in 2023 I have been leaning on lazyvim for my new setups where I am not necessarily ready to drop my full config.
extending vim with shell commands
Vimconf 2022 The pitch Extending vim does not need to be complicated and can be done using cli tools that you might already be comfortable with. Examples, setti
nvim navic
With the latest release of version of nvim 0.8.0 we get access to a new winbar feature. One thing I have long wanted somewhere in my nvim is navigation for pai
vimgrep open buffers
How to vimgrep over hidden files. I needed to delete all build pipeline steps that were named `upload docs`. I currently have about 60 projects running from th
vim plugged snapshot
A few of my friends and I all just borked our neovim configs during a plug update, and because none of us were using `:PlugSnapshot` it was painful to recover f
Automatically Generate a list of Markdown Links in...
Let's make a vim command to automatically collect all the links in these posts at the end of each article. Regex confuses the heck out of me... I don'
Open Files with Nvim Remote
I recently found a really great [plugin](https://github.com/mhinz/neovim-remote) by [mhinz](https://github.com/mhinz) to open files in neovim from a different t
Vim remaps use cmd in place of :
Anyone just starting out their vim customization journey is bound to run into this error. I did not get it I'll admit, in hindsight it's very clear wh
Neovim Config for Git
Creating a minimal config specifically for git commits has made running `git commit` much more pleasant. It starts up Much faster, and has all of the parts of
Tmux and Vim Clipboard for Ubuntu
One of the first things I noticed broken in my terminal based workflow moving from Windows wsl to ubuntu was that my clipboard was all messed up and not working
Markata Filters as Telescope Pickers in Neovim
I often pop into my blog from neovim with the intent to look at just a single series of posts, `til`, `gratitude`, or just see todays posts. [Markata](https://m
Rename Python Variables with nvim
I don't use refactoring tools as much as I probably should. mostly because I work with small functions with unique names, but I recently had a case where
Remove Vim Tab Characters
I've been stuck many times looking at a vim buffer with little question marks at the beginning of each line and trying to get rid of them. for so long I d
List all the files containing a phrase
One of the most useful skills you can acquire to make you faster at almost any job that uses a computer is getting good at finding text in your current working
Serve html from your command line
When I first moved to vim from and ide like vscode or sublime text one of my very first issues was trying to preview my website at `localhost:8000`. There had
Opening files in vim from output of command
Many command line tools can output a list of files, this is quite powerful. I often want to search for something, then open it from a fuzzy picker. This can be
Finding hidden (dotfiles) using Telescope in neovi...
Finding hidden files using Telescope as you fuzzy file finder is not too hard, its a single flag passed in. Then it will use whichever file finder it can find
fugitive verbose commit
Fugitive comes with a pretty sick way to commit files and see the diff at the same time with verbose commit. Opening the fugitive menu with `:G` brings up your
You must use augroup with autocmd in vim | Here's ...
If you are running vim autocmd's without a group, you're killing your performance. Granted your probably not sourcing your vimscript files with autoc
Setup a yaml schema | yamlls for a silky smooth se...
I've gone far too long without a good setup for editing yaml files, I am missing out on autocomplete and proper diagnostics. This ends today as I setup yam
How linux users install a text editor
In honor of the neovim 0.6.0 release, I decided to do a funny skit installing neovim, and fix up my install script in the process as part of my challenge to fix
I made a neovim plugin
I've slowly adding more and more lua functions into my neovim configuration, and recently I noticed a pattern for a class of functions that reach out to ru
Notes for second vim-fundamentals course meetup
newline another Mahesh Subrajmanium Venkatachalam - Plugins | Installing a Theme Hunter Phillips - Quickfix | Offline Ordering with getqflist Andrea Wackerle -
Modal jumping
python lsp setup
Setting up python with the native nvim>0.5 lsp was mr lsp-config https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig pyls#190 https://github.com/palantir/python-languag
How to compare two files in vim
Vim Wsl Clipboard
I've long used neovim from within windows wsl, and for far too long, I went without a proper way to get text out of it and into windows. wsl has access to
Vim Replace Visual Star
Replacing text based on whats in the current search register is a quite handy tool that I use often. I believe I picked this tip up from Nick Janetakis, check
Live Substitution In Neovim
Replacing text in vim can be quite frustrating especially since it doesn't have live feedback to what is changing. Today I was watching Josh Branchaud'
Save Vim Macro
If you are like me, you have created a macro or two that is pure glory, and you forget how you made it after a day or so, or you immediately want to store it aw
Keep Location List Closed
Vim's (neovim in my case) location list can provide some very useful information while developing. Mine gives me information about linting and type checki
Vim Notes
vim notes nvim lua [norcalli/neovim-plugin](https://github.com/norcalli/neovim-plugin) nvim lsp [python-lsp/python-lsp-server](https://github.com/python-lsp/pyt