Previously I had setup a feature of my website to expand one line links into a
card. This was not a standard, even to the point that some formatters wrap the
links with
What is a wikilink
Wikilinks are standard to a lot of wikis written in markdown.
The wikilink syntax is a slug wrapped in double square brackets.
[[ slug ]]
Marksman lsp will even autocomplete these for you, its pretty sweet.
I recently implemented hover for wikilinks and and am pretty stoked about the
result. Check this one out
Vim Quickfix
You could use vimgrep
to fill your quickfix list will all of the one line links
but I am less familiar with vimgrep and kept missing posts for some reason, I
think it was something in my file glob missing some directories.
I chose to use cexpr
to fill my quickfix list using a command that outputs a
vimgrep format filename:line:col:msg
:cexpr system('rg ^<https -t md --vimgrep .')
This filled my quickfix list with all of the one line links.
Vim cdo
Now all I needed to do was to run a substitution command on every line in the
quickfix list. This one features the one eyed fighting kirby that I learned
from the primeagen
:cdo s/\(^https:\/\/waylonwalker.com\/\)\(.*\)/[[ \2 ]]
This converts all of the full links into a slug wrapped in double square brackets.
There was a bit more to the full refactor, for instance some had a til/ preix, some were for youtube, and some were not pointed to my site.