I recently built a cli application as a nearly-one-shot-app called {.bg-blue-900 .border-r-8 .border-black .rounded-xl .max-w-xl .p-6 .font-bold} {.bg-green-900
💭 Curl With Partial Files | Daniel.Haxx.Se
This is a cool new feature coming to bash, I can't think of a use case I have out of the gate, but it looks cool. I'm t
💭 (100) Hybrid Cloud Show – Episode 20 - Youtube
Red Hat has donated the whole open alternative to docker to the CNCF, the hosts weigh in with thier opinions all being p
Setting Up Ucore-Zfs
I just setup my oldest hardware on the newest hotest server distro ucore-zfs. My current boot log shows that I first started daily driving bazzite back in Four
💭 Linux - What Is Stored In /Dev/Pts Files And Can...
today I learned that /dev/pts is a pseudo-tty. It amazes me how much linux is still built around things like hardware t
💭 Wcurl Is Here | Daniel.Haxx.Se
interesting, seems like such a simple way to completely remove the need of a whole other cli. No offense to anyone work
💭 Inside 22,734 Steam Games | Daniel.Haxx.Se
Interesting to see that curl is used in so many places. I often think of things like games being so windows centric and
Arch Remove Orphaned Packages
Playerctl Fixes Arch Media Keys
I Once it is installed all of my media keys started working right away. I played around with it a bit more and came up with a way to display the
💭 Ulauncher — Application Launcher For Linux 🐧
Just discovered this really cool launcher from the DHH distro omakub. [github.com/omakub](https://github.com/basecamp/o
💭 Catppuccin/Ulauncher: 🇺 Soothing Pastel Theme Fo...
I am using this theme for Ulauncher in arch and it looks fantastic! One line install (read it first). ``` bash python3
💭 Basecamp/Omakub: Opinionated Ubuntu Setup
This is DHH's linux startup script. Call it a distro if you want, but he doesn't. It's made to take a vanilla ubuntu i
💭 How To Force Dark Mode On Every Website In Googl...
Sometimes I struggle to get my os to report dark mode to chrome, luckily there is a way to force chrome to always use da
Tailscale Ssh
Tailscale allows you to ssh into all of your tailscale machines, it busts I picked this up from the tailscale youtube channel.
💭 (342) Install Pokemon Tcg Live On Steam Deck - I...
I had no idea that you could just drop an msi installer right in steam. This worked for me, and was much easier to inst
Just Picker
TIL how to display the list of nfs mounts on your network. You can even look for mounts of other machines on your network.
Redka Runs On Sqlite
With the liscense changes to redis there are several new forks out there. One We now have redis running on port 6379 that we can connect to with a redis We can
Am I Vulnerable To The Xz Backdoor?
The main system that I am concerned about is my arch BTW machine. I found a For my machine I am concerned with this line. The xz packages prior to version 5.6.1
Arch Dependencies
paru has some nice features that I rarely use, and hav to look up when I need You can check all the packages depended on by nodejs by running the following.
How To Kill Ollama Server
I recently updated No matter what it comes back You can confirm this with the following command. Next time you want to start you can do it as before with
💭 Testdisk Step By Step - Cgsecurity
`testdisk` is an amazing command line utility (interactive tui) that just saved me a hard drive that was filled with dat
Setting Up Paru | Installing From The Aur For The ...
paru is an aur helper that allows you to use a package manager to install The Aur is a set of community managed packages that can be installed on arch based dis
Useful Btrfs Tools
Looking at disk usage on any of these must be done using a tool built for it if -T for tabular format
Arch Linux Randomly Rejecting Passwords
Fix Arch Linux randomly rejecting passwords with one command. Try If you The good news is that there is a simple fix for this issue. The following bash bash fai
Ssh Copy Id
I recently setup some vm
Ssh Key Permissions
I just shared some ssh keys with myself and ran into this error telling me that I changed them with the following commands.
Obs Virtual Camera On Boot
For far too long I have had to fidget with v4l2oloopback after reboot. I After a reboot the start virtual camera button won Today I learned that you can turn o
Setting Up Snapper On Arch
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= These are mostly my notes to remind myself, I When I started running You should now see so that you can boot into snapper sna
The One Reason I Switched To Arch
The community, that I am a tinkerer, I am not going to run a stock desktop manager, mostly becuase I love minimal installs. I love just building up my system f
Arch Fonts
Manage Your Displays With Xrandr Manager
xrandr is a great cli to manage your windows in a linux distro using x11, which Check out the xrander-manager is a python cli application that is simply a nice
Qutebrowser Clean Up All Status Bars
I really like the super clean look of no status menus, no url bar, no bookmarks
A Tty Can Save Your Bacon
I recently was unable to boot into my home Linux Desktop, it got stuck at https://twitter.com/ There Normally you have 6 TTY ctrl+alt+F1: login screen ctrl+alt+
Dunk Is My New Diff Pager
Browsing through twitter the other day I discovered it through this Before I dive in deep, I do want to mention that Dunk is super new and beta at The author re
Unzip Minecraft Mods To Their Directory From The C...
This morning I was trying to install a modpack on my minecraft server after So I Then I go back to my server and download the modpack with wget. Now I can unzip
Create A Swapfile On Your Linux Machine
If you ever end up on a linux machine that just does not have enough ram to You can put this where you wish, for this example I am going to pop it into You can
Install Yq | A Light Weight Yaml Parser Cli
yq I love that all of these modern tools built in go and rust, just give you a I use a bunch of these tools, and for what its worth I trust the devs behind Sinc
Git Worktrees Are Not So Scary
So worktrees, I always thought they were a big scary things. Turns out they I thought you had to be all in or worktrees or normal git, but not both. When Maki
Setup Ssh From Chromebook To Home Desktop
I write many of these posts from a 10 year old desktop that sits in my I Today I am giving it a second try, but this time with ssh. Before doing anything I chec
Dedupe Your Shell Paths
If you have ever ran
Bash Mktemp
There is GNU coreutils command called Here are some examples of making temp directories in different places, my Here is a sample script that shows how to captu
Recover A Lost Git Branch With Checkout
Once you give a branch the big D ( Checkout is your savior, all you need is the commit hash. We have all done this, you give branch the big D only to realize i
Install Obs Flatpak
Big announcement recently that obs studio now builds out to a flatpak, I did not have flatpak installed so the first thing I had to do was get Once I had flatpa
Vim Remaps Use Cmd In Place Of :
Anyone just starting out their vim customization journey is bound to run into this error. I If you run You still need to map your remaps with a : if you do not
Bluetooth At The Command Line On Ubuntu
One thing about moving to a tiling window manager like awesome wm or i3 is that Running Here is what I had to do to connect my headphones. Here is the output o
Simple Samba Share Setup
Samba is an implementation of the smb protocol that allows me to setup network I think the homelab is starting to intrigue me enought to dive into the path of T
Ag Silver Searcher Look Ahead And Look Behind
A super useful tool when doing PR It
Installing Rust And Cargo On Ubuntu 21.10 Using An...
Installing rust in your own ansible playbook will make sure that you can I try to install everything that I will want to use for more than just a This is how ru
Neovim Config For Git
Creating a minimal config specifically for git commits has made running The other thing that is engrained into my muscle memory is Here is the config that has
How To Properly Simulate Stow
Tmux And Vim Clipboard For Ubuntu
One of the first things I noticed broken in my terminal based workflow moving First off you need to get I have tmux setup to automatically copy any selection I
Tmux Hotkey For Copier Templates
I have added a hotkey to my copier template setup to quickly access all my I
Copier Tasks | Python Templating Post Run Task
Copier allows you to run post render tasks, just like cookiecutter. These are The example I have below runs an I have put the script in
Fuzzy Wallpaper With Fzf
I really appreciate that in linux anything can be scripted, including I set my default wallpaper with Leaning in on feh, we can use fzf to pick a wallpaper fro
Converting Markdown To Pdf With Pandoc On Linux
Converting markdown posts to pdf on ubuntu takes a few packages from the Here is an image of what converting this article over to a pdf looks
Installing Pipx On Ubuntu
I recently paired up with another dev running windows with Ubuntu running in Open up a terminal and get your required system dependencies using the apt I like r
2 Minutes To Stow
Stow is an incredible way to manage your dotfiles. It works by managing When using stow its easiest to keep your dotfiles directory (you may name it Then each
Using Copier Answers To Rerun Templates Quickly
The copier answers file is a key component to making your templates Inside of my Inside my copier.yml I have setup my Once I change the I After rendering the
Pipx Examples
Remove Vim Tab Characters
I It turns out they are tabs, and you can get rid of the little leading
Copier Templates
%%include til/copier %%include til/copier-template-variables %%include til/copier-answers
Tmux Pop Size
tmux popups can be sized how you like based on the % width of the
List All The Files Containing A Phrase
One of the most useful skills you can acquire to make you faster at I Passing the flag Giving
My First Impressions With Pyenv
pyenv provides an easy way to install almost any version of python from I needed to install an older version of python on ubuntu I Based on the Readme it looked
Installing Homebrew On Linux
Installing brew on linux proved quite easy and got pyenv running for me I had never used homebrew before, honestly I thought it was a mac only That was it, now
Serve Html From Your Command Line
When I first moved to vim from and ide like vscode or sublime text one of my You will need a way to run another process alongside vim, here are a couple use bac
You Must Use Augroup With Autocmd In Vim | Here'S ...
If you are running vim autocmd https://youtu.be/2ITTn4Dl0lc For Lets create a new file called I What you need to do is clear out all commands in the augroup w
Code Review From The Comfort Of Vim | Diffurcate
I often review Pull requests from the browser as it just makes it so easy to see https://youtu.be/5NKaZFavM0E This all stems from the great plugin by First to q
Setup A Yaml Schema | Yamlls For A Silky Smooth Se...
I The video for this one is part of a I have my You will need the following plugins. I use plug, if you don Make sure that you have nvim Again if you don Next
Open Files Fast From Zsh | Or Bash If Thats Your T...
https://youtu.be/PQw I am often in a set of tmux splits flying back and forth, accidentally close my Make sure you check out the YouTube video to see all of my
How Linux Users Install A Text Editor
In honor of the neovim 0.6.0 release, I decided to do a funny skit installing https://youtu.be/64oKLphhBuo The thing that took me the longest to realize was....
30 Days Dotfile Ricing
I am challenging myself to 30 days of dotfile ricing. I have been on linux This is primarily going to be focused on productivity, but may have a few Follow the
Jut | Read Notebooks In The Terminal
Trying to read a .ipynb file without starting a jupyter server? jut has you https://youtu.be/t8AvImnwor0 watch the video version of this post on jut ! Take a
Update Alternatives In Linux
I Made A Neovim Plugin
I Check out the project I want a simple way to make remaps into shell commands that can open new tmux For example I want to make remaps to do things like open
Tmux Detach
tmux detach is a handy tmux command that will quit your current session while default keybinding I have mine bound to for more information on how I navigate tm
Tmux Attach
https://youtu.be/JQ0yDCVu44E attach is one of the most useful features of tmux. If you have no interest in this command will simply attach back to tmux if you
Tmux Ls
tmux ls will list the sessions that you have running within the tmux server if [ [ for more information on how I navigate tmux, check out this full post Also ch
Tmux Command Line
So far we have covered a lot of tmux commands and how they map to keybindings Let Or we can open the tmux command line and run it from tmux 🗒️ note that the tmu
Tmux Copy-Mode
tmux copy-mode is a tmux mode that lets you scroll, search, copy, and jump your Default keybinding to get into copy mode is If you are a vim user you will like
Tmux Join-Pane
Join-pane allows you to join panes that you have broken away from your window, Before you can join a pane you must first have a pane marked to join. Once you M
Tmux Break-Pane
Break-pane is a handy tmux command when your layout gets too cramped and you Default key binding for [ for more information on how I navigate tmux, check out t
Tmux Zoom
Zooming into the current split in tmux is a valuable tool to give yourself some Default key bindings for zooming the current split I have rebound this to match
Tmux New-Window
New window as it sounds makes new windows in tmux. Windows are kind of like Default key bindings for creating and navigating windows in tmux. As always I have
Tmux Slect-Pane
These are my MOST often used keybindings that I use in tmux. They allow me to [ for more information on how I navigate tmux, check out this full post
Tmux Rotate-Window
Rotate window is the main way that I navigated tmux before I learned Default keybindings My keybindings look just a bit different than the default ones, I do no
Tmux Select-Layout
When you get many splits going in tmux sometimes its time for a new layout. [ for more information on how I navigate tmux, check out this full post
Tmux Resize-Panes
Resizing panes in tmux can be quite difficult in default tmux, I Most often when I need to resize panes I just grab the edge of the pane with my [ for more info
Tmux Choose-Tree
Choose tree is a powerful tmux utility that provides a graphical interface to The default keybinding my preferred keybinding to open sessions and windows collap
Tmux Prefix
The prefix key is an essential part of tmux, by default all of tmux A few of the essential default key-bindings. A more complete list of key-bindings can be fou
Tmux Splitting Panes
splitting panes is a core feature of tmux. It allows us to split the terminal 🗒️ note that [ for more information on how I navigate tmux, check out this full
Tmux Last Session
An ultimate productivity key-binding in tmux is one to switch to the last session. I use this to quickly get between sessions really quick. Often I am working
Tmux Floating Popups
Tmux popups are actually floating windows that you can drag around the screen. They always open in the middle (by default) when you open them, no matter where
Tmux Popups
Tmux-popups are a great feature that is relatively new to tmux, many repos such [ for more information on how I navigate tmux, check out this full post I use po
How I Configure Git
Git can be a bit tricky to get configured correctly. I often stumble into
These are the notes that I used as I set up my first ever ubuntu desktop. I ran this, but have no idea if it had any effect as the theme did What I think actuag
Python Lsp Setup
Setting up python with the native nvim>0.5 lsp was mr https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig https://github.com/palantir/python-language-server/issues/190
How I Navigate Tmux In 2021
In 2021 I changed the way I navigate between tmux sessions big time. Now I can Since making this post, I have made ~20 other posts in short form that all have
Trim Unused Git Branches
How To Compare Two Files In Vim
Create A Virtual File Gallery With Symlinks
Creating a directory that is a union of several directories can be achieved Here is how I am creating a virtual directory of all my projects that is a ⚠ Notice
📝 Docker Deep Dive - Notes
https://www.hanselminutes.com/784/doing-open-source-with-brian-douglas A handy way to try weird things in docker is using Installing on Ubuntu. In order to run
Live Substitution In Neovim
Replacing text in vim can be quite frustrating especially since it doesn https://twitter.com/ I had to do a bit of searching and found a great post from I beli
Web browsers are a black hole of productivity. I try to use them as little as I am going to give a terminal rss reader a try for a bit and see how that goes I
Find And Replace In The Terminal.
notes about find and replace techniques
Creating Reusable Bash Scripts
Bash is a language that is quite useful for automation no matter what language I have three techniques that help me write more composable bash scripts. Function
New Machine For Developing Tests With Testproject....
Today I setup a new machine on Digital Ocean to use with TestProject.io, Here are my installation notes.
Out Of Space
Out of Space! How to remove 65 conda environments in one command.
Supercharge Zsh Startup
I have been using oh-my-zsh successfully for about 2 years now. But lately my I believe the real issue is io speed on wsl. I have some remote servers with Quic
📝 Bash Notes
Waylon Walker's Bash Notes