Part of my neovim setup requires having the black python formatter installed and callable. I install it with pipx so that I don't have to manage a virtual environment and have it available everywhere. So far this works well for me, if there are ever breaking changes I may need to rethink this.

re-installing a bunch of things that are already installed can be quite a waste and really add up to my ansible run time, so for most of my ansible tasks that install a command like this I have been following this pattern.

  1. check if the command is installed with command -v <command>
  2. register that step
  3. ignore if that step fails
  4. add a when: <xxx>_exists is failed condition to the step that installs that command.

- name: check is black installed
  shell: command -v black
  register: black_exists
  ignore_errors: yes

- name: install black
  when: black_exists is failed
  shell: pipx install black

I made a video based on this post, check it out if its your thing