Netlify #

I have happily had my personal site hosted on netlify for nearly 2 years now. In fact I have hosted about a dozen different toy projects to play with on there, 4 of which have gone far enough to get a custom domain name. They are fast to deploy and consistently do so on every git push to main.

Zeit #

I have recently started playing with zeit again. I really like their cli tool, its dead simple and makes sense. I tried the netlify one early on and dont think I really gave it much of a chance. I was able to backup a site we were modifying by saving everything locally (literally control+s) and running now in the command line.

While I was on the site I realized that when switching to gatsby v2 I had deployed it to while testing, before cutting over to the updated one on netlify. It has been building every version since without issue!

It has been building every version since without issue!

What I am using #

I am using gatsby to build my site, and I do use as a cms to be able to edit/manage posts online. I think forestry is part of my problem in that it has added extra builds. Every time I upload an image or save a post, even a draft, it pushes to production.

Why Switch #

This is just a side hobby for me. I do not make any $$ off of it, and I do not want to pay for anything I do not have to. As I am stepping up my blogging I have already hit 50% of my build quota only 1 week into the month on netlify. I really like what netlify is doing for the JAMstack community, but I would rather build everything locally and push to GHPages for this project than have to pay for it.

What Are your suggestions #

Do you use Zeit?

Where do you host your gatsby.js site?