I've been looking for a templating tool for awhile that works well with single files. My go to templating tool cookiecutter does not work for single files, it needs to put files into a directory underneath of it.

template variables #

By default copier uses double square brackets for its variables. variables in files, directory_names, or file_names will be substituted for their value once you render them.

# hello-py/hello.py.tmpl

note! by default copier will not inject variables into your template-strings unless you use a .tmpl suffix.

Before running copier we need to tell copier what variables to ask for, we do this with a copier.yml file.

# copier.yml
  default: my_name
  type: str
  help: What is your name

installing copier #

I prefer to install cli tools that I need globally with pipx, this always gives me access to the tool without worrying about dependency conflicts, bloating my system site-packages, or managing a separate virtual environment for it myself.

pipx install copier

running copier #

When running copier copy we pass in the directory of the template, and the directory that we want to render the template into.

copier copy hello-py .

note! the directory '.' is often referred to in cli programs to represent the current working directory that we are calling the command from.

results #

The resulting files will have your variables injected into them if you have setup your template and copier.yml up correctly.
