When creating cli's I often want some nice full-width character. I find it tough to find them, and when I do half the time it is an image or something that cannot be copied 👿.

I rarely get very complex with my semi-manual ASCII art. I can do 98% of what I need with bars and corners. Using some simple full-width characters can really give your cli a nice clean look.

Example #

I'd say 50% of what I need is just a full-width horizontal bar to give some visual flair or separation.

Bars #


Square Corners #


Round Corners #


Harpoons #


Double Boxes #


Dashed Boxes #


Connectors #


Others #


Arrows #


Rounded Box #

│                  │
│                  │
│                  │

Resources #

As I was putting this together I stumbled accross a good site to find ascii characters and copy them. Unicode Full-Width Characters