Wyatt is also documenting his run, while we aren't playing in the same world we are playing together.


Loading into the world #

I always select the character Woodie. He comes with an axe called Lucy she has some dark humor (but not too dark), I like her. She also does not wear out so you always have a weapon and way to chop wood with you.

First encounter with a Tall Bird #

On the first day I made a look around my home biome, and ran into a Tall Bird

Tall Bird Stats #


Here are the tall bird stats from the wiki

Setting up base #

Just after the first night started I found my way back to the center of the map and made a stone campfire. I really like to use the stone campfires as they last forever, you just have to add wood. I was lucky enough to find stone by the Tall Bird to make this one on first day.

Opening up the garden #

On day two I had enough materials gathered to make the garden digamajig to prep the soil for gardening. I planted the few seeds that I stole from the birds right away.

Getting a hat #

I had the grass for a hat, so I figured why not. I'm not sure if it really helps this time of year, but I thought it looked good on Woodie.

Getting into it with a Clockwork Bishop #

As I was gathering resources with Lucy, minding my own business BAM I got hit with an attack from a Clockwork Bishop, man these things hit hard and have really good aim. I took three hits before getting away, leaving me with very low heath at the end of this play session.


Here is the clockwork bishop stats from the wiki

Session Two #

To kick off the second session, I noticed that when you have a torch you can light your cooking pot, what I did not realize was that this burns your cooking pot to smitherines. Nothing left but a frame of useless ashes.

The TreeGuard #

After that terrible mistake I was off with Lucy collecting wood when I awoken the TreeGuard.


The dude is slow, has terrible aim, but he is so persistent. No matter how far you get away he just shows up trying to kill you.

I needed to get my cooking pot back, so the next step was to get charcoal. So while I was collecting charcoal I did my best to try to take down the TreeGuard by burning him. But to no avail, he lives on.

Once back at camp with my new cooking pot, he snuck up on me with his gigantic sluggish form, one wrong keystroke on mybehalf and I walked straight into his attack and I was done for.

After that embarrasing death I made my way over to a touchstone I found and Woodie is back from the dead, but without his beloved Lucy, to get her we will need to go