Adding an rss feed to your gatsby js site is super simple.
Install #
npm install --save gatsby-plugin-feed
How to use #
// In your gatsby-config.js module.exports = { plugins: [ { resolve: `gatsby-plugin-feed`, options: { query: ` { site { siteMetadata { title description siteUrl site_url: siteUrl } } } `, feeds: [ { serialize: ({ query: { site, allMarkdownRemark } }) => { return allMarkdownRemark.edges.map(edge => { return Object.assign({}, edge.node.frontmatter, { description: edge.node.excerpt, date: edge.node.frontmatter.date, url: site.siteMetadata.siteUrl + edge.node.fields.slug, guid: site.siteMetadata.siteUrl + edge.node.fields.slug, custom_elements: [{ "content:encoded": edge.node.html }], }) }) }, query: ` { allMarkdownRemark( sort: { order: DESC, fields: [frontmatter___date] }, ) { edges { node { excerpt html fields { slug } frontmatter { title date } } } } } `, output: "/rss.xml", title: "Your Site's RSS Feed", // optional configuration to insert feed reference in pages: // if `string` is used, it will be used to create RegExp and then test if pathname of // current page satisfied this regular expression; // if not provided or `undefined`, all pages will have feed reference inserted match: "^/blog/", // optional configuration to specify external rss feed, such as feedburner link: "https://feeds.feedburner.com/gatsby/blog", }, ], }, }, ], }
My updated graphql query #
{ allMarkdownRemark( sort: { order: DESC, fields: [frontmatter___date] } filter: { frontmatter: { templateKey: { in: ["blog-post"] } status: { in: ["published"] } } } ) { edges { node { excerpt rawMarkdownBody fields { slug } frontmatter { title date cover { relativePath } twitter_cover { relativePath } } } } } }