I just did a quick refactoring of my JAMStack blog urls. Some didn't fit with
my style, some had _
that I wanted to switch to -
, and others were
ridiculously long. I've been using forestry as my CMS, I write many of my
posts there, and sometimes it picks some crazy file names (based on my titles).
It was time to refactor.
When refactorings similar to this get really big I often need to do some project wide find an replace, I usually do this right from the command line.
π Rename posts change the filename #
My post urls are based on the file name of my markdown file, so I can simply go through my filesystem and rename anything I want. From here its probably best to only commit the addition of the new file name, until the redirects clear, but these are all low traffic posts for me so I just commited both at once.
Safely redirect without breaking links
_redirects ‴ /redirects #
I am hosted on netlify, which automatically puts very β‘ performant redirects
on the edge based on a /_redirects
route on your site. So I added a redirect
from the old route to the new route there.
rename long posts #
/blog/i-finally-fixed-my-styled-components-in-gatsby-js /blog/fix-styled-components-in-gatsby /blog/interrogate-is-a-pretty-awesome-brand-new-cli-for-python-packages /blog/interrogate
pedantic π€ probably #
This is probably being a bit pedantic. Realistically my urls were probably ok. These posts probably aren't going to be topping the google search charts anyways, but I wanted to do it without killing off any links that I may have happened to post somewhere.