

It does not get enough recognition, some good quality rest is very benefitial to start off a good day. Yesterday I was dragging.. hard. Wyatt was up at 2 A.M. and I was the one to be up with him... for awhile. Today, he was up early again, but let me sleep, then proceeded to take a morning nap. This combined with an early rest time started my day off on a good note. I was able to wake up when ready, and start my day at my own pace. I was able to get coffee and breakfast before being asked to do much.

I was able to start my day at my own pace


I enjoy starting my day off with a nice cup of coffee. Today, I had a nice fresh thirty-thirty guatememala. I am very grateful that we are able to afford nice coffee, it really energizes me compared to the really dark mass produced coffee that is typically found everywhere.