

I have been getting back on my feet after a long turn of a low mindset. My wife has been my main inspiration through this process. She is working very hard herself to be a more positive person, and has been for several months. She has been my inspiration. I have started this journal, drinking keytones, tracking goals, keeping up with email, trello, using pomodoro, and started working out. All of these steps are giving me strength to keep a positive attitude through a very rough time in our life. I am very happy with the improvements that I have made over the last 8 days, and glad that these changes are giving me the strength to keep a positive attitude through the day.

these steps are giving me strength to keep a positive attitude

After working out for the first time in a long time I feel great this morning. My body feels stronger, I have more energy, and I feel that I can hold my positive attitude through more events in the day. I am grateful that I was able to get this system in place, and I am ready to continue executing through 2018.