Gratitude 058

Pick me up when I Fall

Lately there has been a rollar coaster running through our house. So much going on that its hard for everyone ot keep their head above water at all times. I am grateful that we all have remained on each others team. Sometimes when we fall we have to help ourselves back up, but it is really nice when there are others there to help us up. That's what family is for isn't it? It is amazing to see how others respond when they see you down and jump in with all they can do to help. I recently had a fall (mental), and after getting through it felt rediculous. It has really opened my eyes to how to help people, and how to spot someone who is just having a rough day. Most people do not have poor intentions, but they can come off that way when they are in a bad place. Spot these moments in someones day and try to pick them back up.