Gratitude 060


Every once in awhile its time to take a deep breath.. Seriously do it with me stop, take a deep breath, exhale. Understand that you cannot do everything. Sometimes life throws you a loop that is out of your control. Today was one of those days. Getting down to the end of the year I get really excited to work on my projects at work for me. I take full advantage of the reduced workforce, reduced desk stops, reduced chit chat, and I GTD. Getting down within the last week I am starting to prioritize projects to ensure I get everything done that really needs done while I have this time to ensure full productivity in the next year. My son stayed home sick and I was with him. As much as I wanted to stress out about the things I wasnt getting done we came to a comprimise. I was able to work from home for a good chunk of the day, but we also spent some time chilling together on our Minecraft server. It was really fun. We were working through projects together, taking out mobs, building structures, the stresses of life seemed to melt away for awhile. And you know what we both loved it.