Gratitude 069

New Devices

Alright I do not usually mix gratitude with material things, but hear me out here. Today is the second day with my new to me refurbished three year old phone, and I am really enjoying it. I wanted to pay cash, didn't want to pay $800, wanted good performance, and didn't really care about having the Latest show room floor tech. So far it is treating me really well. The biggest reason that I got a new phone was that my signal was cutting out, and with our crazy lifestyle with lots of emergencies that I need to respond to I need somehing reliable. Today I was at work and this phone had signal in places within my work that none of my last 2-3 devices could get signal in. I was blown away when I could walk anywhere in the building and hold a conversation with my wife. This gives me the confidence that my phone will have signal when I need it and I can respond to any emergency that I need to.