Gratitude 087


Lateley I have found myself inside of a few niche communities becoming very well respected for my opinion. I rememver back a few years as I started getting more and more in to programming, I joined these communities within my company. I came in knowing very little and obsorbing all that I could. I would seek out the advice of others when my google searches left me lost. Over the years I absorbed quite a bit of this internal knowlege base and a heap of knowlege from open sources. As the years have gone by many of the folks I looked up to are gone or absent from the community. I am finding others seeking my attention more and more. It is really an amazing feeling of respect when folks not only seek out your help, but respond back hours later with a big thank you and a check out the latest version that includes your ideas. I am also very grateful for those who have helped along the way, I cannot thank them enough, and owe my getting started on the path I am on to them.