Gratitude 117

What a DAY, the landlord reached out to us last minute asking if he could show the house we are renting to potential buyers tomorrow, giving us only one days notice! It was a bit chaotic, a lot of emotions around letting someone in our house, especially while the biggest wave of COVID is in full force.

I am so gratefult that we can do all the things that we need without much need of bringing anyone into our house. I am so glad this house has been reliable for use and not needed much maintenance. For the most part our groceries are delivered to us, or for a short period was gathered for us and we picked it up.

It's just so nervewracking letting people in right now. I am just asking for everyone to be ok. Most people can handle this just fine, but Rhiannon's lungs are barely hanging in there with her current illness as is, there is no way she could get through without a least a rough hospital stay.