Gratitude 136

Dobby (our new pup) came home today, and he is just the cutest pup ever. He is already filling our house with some much needed love. I know the next few weeks are going to get a bit crazy and his need for us is only going to add to it, but it will be so worth it.

Rhiannon has done so much research, I am so proud of her! It feels so different going into this with someone who knows what they are doing than just winging it. I really feel like we are setting Dobby up for success in our house. Much of the care is focused on positivity and love rather than yelling, hitting, or any punishment. We only let him go places that he is allowed, and when he is doing an undesirable activity we simply redirect him to a desireable activity. There's obviously a lot more detail that goes into this, but distilled down as far as I can this is the essential strategy we are taking.

Waylon sitting with Dobby on his first day home