Gratitude 138

Boxes came today! Getting ready to really dig into the next phase of this move. It's a combination of exciting and overwhelming. I am so incredibly grateful that this is the last time that we have to do this semi-unwillingly for a long time! There is no more landlord, no more owner to deal with. The next place is all for us to decide what to do with. We get to pick the colors, we get to pick what new appliances to put in. Most importantly we get to choose when we want to move. We will be in a very stable place where we are in much more control.

Dobby is still cute as can be and spent quite a bit of the morning time with me. In fact he completely fell asleep on my desk for one meeting I was in. He is so far doing fantastic with all things puppy, fingers crossed that we can continue to guide him to good and not need to battle him every step of the way. We really could not ask for a better puppy for us!