Gratitude 197

Today was a pretty great day. Started the day off with a few work meetings with some really positive feedback. Then in the afternoon Rhiannon walked with me to pick Ayla up from school. This was really special and I really enjoy when she is able to come along and we make the time for the both of us to go. Getting back to work for the last hour of the day and I crushed an issue I have been having with some slow database queries making them 70x faster. I was pretty pumped when i found the culprit.

On to the night Wyatt wanted to go to an ice skating event with the church. I really enjoyed the time out with him. I thought it was pretty special to take him on his first ice skating event. It was a really fun time, but he struggled really hard. So much that he did not want to go back out after completing the first stretch of ice. After getting a bit of rest he was ready and we finished one whole lap. This was pretty big for him as he was a bit unstable an just scared of really trusting himself out there.

I am really proud of him for finishing his first lap.