You can inspect sqlite tables with the sqlite shell.
note that you get into the shell with
sqlite3 database.db
I also learned that .tables
, .index
and .schema
are helper functions that
query the sqlite_master
table on the main
Here is an output from my redka database. The sqlite_master table contains all the sqlite objects type, name, tbl_name, rootpage, and sql to create them.
β― sqlite3 database.db "SELECT * from sqlite_master;" table|rkey|rkey|2|CREATE TABLE rkey ( id integer primary key, key text not null, type integer not null, version integer not null, etime integer, mtime integer not null ) index|rkey_key_idx|rkey|3|CREATE UNIQUE INDEX rkey_key_idx on rkey (key) index|rkey_etime_idx|rkey|4|CREATE INDEX rkey_etime_idx on rkey (etime) where etime is not null trigger|rkey_on_type_update|rkey|0|CREATE TRIGGER rkey_on_type_update before update of type on rkey for each row when old.type is not new.type begin select raise(abort, 'key type mismatch'); end table|rstring|rstring|5|CREATE TABLE rstring ( key_id integer not null, value blob not null, foreign key (key_id) references rkey (id) on delete cascade ) index|rstring_pk_idx|rstring|6|CREATE UNIQUE INDEX rstring_pk_idx on rstring (key_id) view|vstring|vstring|0|CREATE VIEW vstring as select rkey.id as key_id, rkey.key, rstring.value, datetime(etime/1000, 'unixepoch') as etime, datetime(mtime/1000, 'unixepoch') as mtime from rkey join rstring on rkey.id = rstring.key_id where rkey.type = 1 and (rkey.etime is null or rkey.etime > unixepoch('subsec')) table|rhash|rhash|7|CREATE TABLE rhash ( key_id integer not null, field text not null, value blob not null, foreign key (key_id) references rkey (id) on delete cascade ) index|rhash_pk_idx|rhash|8|CREATE UNIQUE INDEX rhash_pk_idx on rhash (key_id, field) index|rhash_key_id_idx|rhash|9|CREATE INDEX rhash_key_id_idx on rhash (key_id) view|vhash|vhash|0|CREATE VIEW vhash as select rkey.id as key_id, rkey.key, rhash.field, rhash.value, datetime(etime/1000, 'unixepoch') as etime, datetime(mtime/1000, 'unixepoch') as mtime from rkey join rhash on rkey.id = rhash.key_id where rkey.type = 4 and (rkey.etime is null or rkey.etime > unixepoch('subsec'))