I've added htmx to my blog. It's extra bloatware that I long avoided, but it's so damn convenient.
Ok so it's not bloatware, but it's not the theme I was going for. I wanted my site to be as lightweight as possible. I had at one point gone too far and had Mb's of react that did not provide any value for the end user.
can it be done with jinja #
💭 World's easiest Live dashboard with htmx - YouTu ...
💭 Resetting a lost admin password — Nextcloud late ...
💭 Redis configuration | Docs
💭 hotel_bookings.csv
💭 The State of Secrets Sprawl 2025
💭 Mill-Max Hotswap Sockets – Keebio
💭 r.jina.ai
💭 Why did Framework build a desktop? - YouTube
💭 PyApp
💭 CSS Battle - Re-create an Image with CSS in the ...
Feed Partials #
markata pre-release 0.8.1.dev10 has been released with support for feed partials on pypi.
It's now part of my blog #
Commit aa233 added support for recent posts on each page to be loaded off of this partial.