Life comes in waves, and sometimes you need to set down some of your projects to focus on others. For the first part of 2023 I've really had a lot of family stuff to focus on, we also are pretty new homeowners and are still trying to get our new to us house cleaned up and modernized.
Side Projects #
You can see in my growing list of repos that I have poked around on quite a few side projects over the past few months. This has been quite relaxng to me, mostly things that I use to learn from, but also a lot that are tools and things I use that bring me joy.
Pydantic #
I haven't wrote about it at all yet, but I have really been starting to lean into pydantic on all of these side projects. I have really been enjoying the type system. A good friend @pypeaday got me hooked and we have been throwing around this phrase that he learned from a math professor "Make it So". The idea boils down to leveraging pydantic to make all the values you want to exist up front, or fail validation, then have no more checks scattered all over your code.
I've really been deleting a bunch of logic from places within my code and putting it right in the pydantic models. This gives me one place I will know to look for it rather than many places some logic might come up. Then when it's time to do things, the logic is typically a bit simpler.
Markata #
Markata continues to be my biggest side project.
Currently its it a big refactoring phase to get everything moved into pydantic.
It's been quite awhile since I've had a release, but there has been steady
progress going into the pydantic
AI #
Ai is really hot in 2023. I've been trying to keep my finger on the pulse and play with it. I tried to make a library to interface with openai lockhart. It was a cli where you can store prompt template. I also made a full text adventure game with a new library from prefect.io, called marvin. marvin star wars text adventure.
I took a break #
It's defintitely good to take breaks from big projects, and for me its often things like family and work that need to come first and I set things aside. I am not saying that I am back to daily writing, but I am going to give it a go and see where it takes me. I've got a big backlog of ideas to get out.