I am working on a page for htmx-patterns and I ran into a situation with lots of duplication. Especially when i am using tailwind I run into situations where the duplication can get tedious to maintiain. The solution I found is macros.
Now I can use the same code for all of my links, and call the macro to use it.
{% macro link(id, text, boosted=false) -%} <a class=" {% if id is none %} pointer-events-none bg-terminal-950 text-terminal-900 ring-terminal-900 {% else %} bg-terminal-950 hover:bg-terminal-900 hover:text-terminal-400 text-terminal-500 shadow-lg shadow-terminal-300/20 hover:shadow-terminal-300/30 ring-terminal-300 {% endif %} cursor-pointer block text-center font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded w-full ring-1 " {% if id is not none %} href="{{ url_for('boosted', id=id) }}" {% endif %} {% if boosted %} hx-boost="true" {% endif %}> {{ text }} </a> {%- endmacro %} <h2 class='text-3xl font-light mt-0 max-w-xl text-center prose-xl mt-8 text-terminal-500'> Boosted Links </h2> <div class='flex flex-row gap-4'> {{ link(prev_id, 'Previous', boosted=True) }} {{ link(next_id, 'Next', boosted=True) }} </div> <h2 class='text-3xl font-light mt-0 max-w-xl text-center prose-xl mt-8 text-terminal-500'> Normal Links </h2> <div class='flex flex-row gap-4'> {{ link(prev_id, 'Previous', boosted=False) }} {{ link(next_id, 'Next', boosted=False) }} </div>