Kedro comes with an install command to install and manage all of your projects dependencies.

cd into your project directory and activate env #

You must start by having your kedro project either cloned down from an existing project or created from kedro new. Then activate your environment.


this post covers kedro new


This post covers creating your virtual environment for kedro

install kedro #

Make sure you have kedro installed in your current environment, if you dont already have it.

pip install kedro==0.17.4

pip-tools #

Kedro uses the pip-tools package under the hood to pin dependencies in a very robust way to ensure that the project will continue to work on everyone's machine day, including production, day in and day out. No matter what happens to the dependencies you have installed.


The command that kedro uses from pip-tools is pip-compile. It will look at what you have in a file, compile the dependencies down to exact versions, and create a requirements.txt that is fully pinned down, and updatable by re-running pip-compile. #

If kedro does not see a file it will automatically move your requirements.txt to and run pip-compile.

No found. Copying contents from requirements.txt...

kedro install #

Lets go ahead and run kedro install on one of the projects we already create and environment for in a previous post, kedro-conda.

kedro install

The first time you run this on a new repo it is likely that you will run into this warning about creating a new file.

No found. Copying contents from requirements.txt...

kedro install flags #

Kedro does let you avoid pip-compile all together, by using the --no-build-reqs flag.

kedro install --no-build-reqs

It also lets you upgrade all of your dependencies with build-reqs. I would reccomend doing this on its own branch, and own pull request. If you are working on a team you want everyone to be on the same page when it comes to dependencies. If you are not, you surely do not want something to break with a new set of dependencies without a way of rolling back.

kedro install --build-reqs