I realize that I never did a post on markata 0.8.0, so here it is. 0.8.0 was released on Jan 2, 2024, just over a year ago at this point. This was the release that we got pydantic support, and multi feeds.


Pydantic Support Was kinda big #

Markata is leaning on pydanttic for configuration and Post models. These models are filled with validators such that you can give it an empty markdown post and it will figure out some pretty sane default values for the frontmatter. From there you can progressivly enhance your post with more information like title, date, tags, slug, description.

validators are awesome!! for instance I don't set the description on many of my posts by hand, I let the auto_description grab the first bit of text from the post most of the time.

Multi Feeds #

Markata==0.8.1 brought multiple feeds into the mix, and started to take place of rss and sitemap. Feeds are a list of posts that are configured with a slug, filter, sort, reverse, description, and a template. These feeds then become objects you can use to access posts, as well as html pages, rss feeds and sitemaps.

Jinja Templates #

The final major change within this series is the change out from string templates to proper jinja templates with partial templates that you can include. This has made maintaing templates much easier, as well as the ability to customize. Markata will load templates from both your local templates directory then from its built in templates directory if it does not find a template locally.

slug = 'python'
filter = "date<=today and 'python' in str(tags).lower()"
sort = "date"
reverse = true
description = 'A feed of all my python posts'

Directly from the release notes #

The rest of the post is details directly from the release notes.

0.8.2 #

  • Fix: markata installs setuptools required by one dependency
  • Fix: cleaup cli output
  • Fix: speed up cli starup with some lazy imports
  • Fix: all cache.adds were replaced with cache.set
  • Fix: Updated to new typer format requiring name=
  • Fix: teardown only runs if a the build process was started, i.e. some clis will not need to teardown

0.8.1 #

Feeds have partials

The feeds plugin now has configurable partial_template that can be used to render only the inside of the feeds page. This is indended to allow you to load small feeds into a page with htmx.

Better Jinja Templates

Markata now fully supports jinja templates with a loader that will load from your templates directory, the markata built-in templates, and from a dynamically generated templates directory in your .markata.cache directory.


You can list out your templates and configuration with the following command

markata templates show


The following variables are available within jinja templates for post templates. This is now consistent accross all three built in plugins that render jinja templates.

  • __version__ - the version of markata
  • markata - the markata instance
  • config - the markata config
  • body - the body of the post
  • post - the current post object

Similarly from within rendering feeds.

  • __version__ - the version of markata
  • markata - the markata instance
  • config - the markata config
  • posts - the list of posts
  • post - a pseudo post object with title, slug, description, and date for template consistency
  • feed - the current feed object

Similar to posts from within jinja_md to render a markdown post as a template.

  • __version__ - the version of markata
  • markata - the markata instance
  • body - the body of the post
  • config - the markata config
  • post - the current post object

Feeds cli

The feeds cli will help show which templates each feed will be using.

 markata feeds show
                                          Feeds 6
┃            Feed  posts  config                                                        ┃
│ project_gallery  2      DEFAULT_TITLE: All Posts                                      │
│                         title: Project Gallery                                        │
│                         slug: project-gallery                                         │
│                         name: project_gallery                                         │
│                         filter: 'project-gallery' in str(path)                        │
│                         sort: title                                                   │
│                         reverse: False                                                │
│                         rss: True                                                     │
│                         sitemap: True                                                 │
│                         card_template: card.html                                      │
│                         template: feed.html                                           │
│                         rss_template: rss.xml                                         │
│                         sitemap_template: sitemap.xml                                 │
│                         xsl_template: rss.xsl                                         │
│                                                                                       │
│            docs  10     DEFAULT_TITLE: All Posts                                      │
│                         title: Documentation                                          │
│                         slug: docs                                                    │
│                         name: docs                                                    │
│                         filter: "markata" not in slug and "tests" not in slug and ... │
│                         sort: slug                                                    │
│                         reverse: False                                                │
│                         rss: True                                                     │
│                         sitemap: True                                                 │
│                         card_template: card.html                                      │
│                         template: feed.html                                           │
│                         rss_template: rss.xml                                         │
│                         sitemap_template: sitemap.xml                                 │
│                         xsl_template: rss.xsl                                         │
│                                                                                       │
│         autodoc  17     DEFAULT_TITLE: All Posts                                      │
│                         title: AutoDoc Python Modules.                                │
│                         slug: autodoc                                                 │
│                         name: autodoc                                                 │
│                         filter: "markata" in slug and "plugin" not in slug and "te... │
│                 │       │ sort: slug                                                    │
│                 │       │ reverse: False                                                │
│                 │       │ rss: True                                                     │
│                 │       │ sitemap: True                                                 │
│                 │       │ card_template: card.html                                      │
│                 │       │ template: feed.html                                           │
│                 │       │ rss_template: rss.xml                                         │
│                 │       │ sitemap_template: sitemap.xml                                 │
│                 │       │ xsl_template: rss.xsl                                         │
│                 │       │                                                               │
│             all │ 73    │ DEFAULT_TITLE: All Posts                                      │
│                 │       │ title: All Markata Modules                                    │
│                 │       │ slug: all                                                     │
│                 │       │ name: all                                                     │
│                 │       │ filter: True                                                  │
│                 │       │ sort: date                                                    │
│                 │       │ reverse: False                                                │
│                 │       │ rss: True                                                     │
│                 │       │ sitemap: True                                                 │
│                 │       │ card_template: card.html                                      │
│                 │       │ template: feed.html                                           │
│                 │       │ rss_template: rss.xml                                         │
│                 │       │ sitemap_template: sitemap.xml                                 │
│                 │       │ xsl_template: rss.xsl                                         │
│                 │       │                                                               │
│    core_modules │ 17    │ DEFAULT_TITLE: All Posts                                      │
│                 │       │ title: Markata Core Modules                                   │
│                 │       │ slug: core_modules                                            │
│                 │       │ name: core_modules                                            │
│                 │       │ filter: 'plugin' not in slug and 'test' not in slug and ti... │
│                 │       │ sort: date                                                    │
│                 │       │ reverse: False                                                │
│                 │       │ rss: True                                                     │
│                 │       │ sitemap: True                                                 │
│                 │       │ card_template: card.html                                      │
│                 │       │ template: feed.html                                           │
│                 │       │ rss_template: rss.xml                                         │
│                 │       │ sitemap_template: sitemap.xml                                 │
│                 │       │ xsl_template: rss.xsl                                         │
│                 │       │                                                               │
│         plugins │ 42    │ DEFAULT_TITLE: All Posts                                      │
│                 │       │ title: Markata Plugins                                        │
│                 │       │ slug: plugins                                                 │
│                 │       │ name: plugins                                                 │
│                 │       │ filter: 'plugin' in slug and 'test' not in slug               │
│                 │       │ sort: date                                                    │
│                 │       │ reverse: False                                                │
│                 │       │ rss: True                                                     │
│                 │       │ sitemap: True                                                 │
│                 │       │ card_template: card.html                                      │
│                 │       │ template: feed.html                                           │
│                 │       │ rss_template: rss.xml                                         │
│                 │       │ sitemap_template: sitemap.xml                                 │
│                 │       │ xsl_template: rss.xsl                                         │
│                 │       │                                                               │

0.8.0 #

  • pydantic support

Pydantic Support

Now plugins are configured through a pydantic Config object.

breaking changes

There are a number of breaking changes going into 0.8.0. Use caution when upgrading.

glob config is now under markata.glob

- [markata]
- glob_patterns = "pages/**/*.md"
+ [markata.glob]
+ glob_patterns = "pages/**/*.md"

Feeds are now a list

Feeds are now a list of Objects within the configuration that you choose from whether its toml or yaml. Also templates_dir is now configurable, and once you have a templates dir it is better to specify templates by name relative to your templates_dir.

templates_dir = "pages/templates"

card_template = "feed_card.html"
filter="date<=today and templateKey in ['blog-post', 'til'] and status.lower()=='published'"


card_template = "pages/templates/feed_card.html"
filter="date<=today and templateKey in ['blog-post', 'til'] and status.lower()=='published'"


markata.summary.filter_count is now a list

The old way was to set up a dict, where the keys were the name, now its a list of Objects with an explicit name field.

filter="published == 'False'"


filter="published == 'False'"