Slides πŸ‘‡ #

welcome #

Other possible titles #

  • Using Vim as a Team Lead
  • I πŸ’œ Tmux
  • Why I stopped using @code
  • Get there fast
  • How I vim

It's ok #

Use a graphical IDE if it works for you.

Trick it out #

vim is so well integrated into the terminal, take advantage

It wasn't working for me anymore #

dozens of instances #

As a team lead I bounce betweeen a dozen projects a per day

Move With Intent #

Running vim inside tmux lets me move swiftly between the exact project I need. //: <> (__)

Hub and Spoke #

  • direct link to specific projects
  • fuzzy into all projects
  • fuzzy into open projects


Other Things That Make this Possible #

  • tmux
  • direnv

vim adjacent things

yes, vim is ugly, make it yours #


command! Q :q


nnoremap <leader>6 <c-^>

lsp #

lua vim.lsp.buf.definition()

treesitter #

Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects'

telescope #

fuzzy matching like a boss

fzf is ok too

Check Messages #