I am a huge believer in practicing your craft. Professional athletes spend most of their time honing their skills and making themsleves better. In Engineering many spend nearly 0 time practicing. I am not saying that you need to spend all your free time practicing, but a few minutes trying new things can go a long way in how you understand what you are doing and make a hue impact on your long term productivity.


Start practicing #

practice building pipelines with #kedro today

Go to your playground directory, and if you don't have one, make one.

cd ~/playground

get pipx #

Install pipx in your system python. This is one of the very few, and possibly the only python library that deserves to be installed in your system directory, primarily because its used to sanbox clis in their own virtual environment automatically for you.

pip install pipx

make a new project #

From inside your playground directory, start your new kedro project. This is quite simple and painless. So much so that if you mess this one up doing something wild, it might be easier to make a new one that fixing the wild one.

pipx run kedro new
# answer the questions it asks

I use this quite often to try out new things in a safe place.

Make a virtual environment #

Using Conda

Conda is a fine choice to manage your virtual environments. It used to make things so much easier on windows that it was almost required. Nowadays getting python running on windows has become so much easier that this is less so.

conda create -n my-project python=3.8 -y
conda activate my-project
python  -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -e src

one great benefit of conda is that it lets you choose the interpreter to go with your virtual environment.

Your new environment will be listed in your list of conda env here.

conda info --envs

Using venv

venv is what I use now. Nothing against conda, it works great. venv just feels a bit lighter and more common. I've actually grown to appreciate that the venv is right where I put it, most often in the project directory.

python -m venv .venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate
python  -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -e src

using pipenv

pipenv is another fine choice. I like how in one command it makes the environment and activates it for you. pipenv also puts virtual environments in the global directory.

pipx run pipenv shell
python  -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -e src

Make pipelines #

Now go make some pipelines with your new project, try something wild, break it, and make another.