In order to make an auto title plugin for markata I needed to come up with a way to reverse the slug of a post to create a title for one that does not explicitly have a title.


a slug is generally all lowercase and free of spaces, and is a way to make website routes (urls)

Here I have a path available that gives me the articles path, ex. An easy way to get rid of the file extension, is to pass it into pathlib.Path and ask for the stem, which returns python-reverse-sluggify. Then from There I chose to replace - and _ with a space.

article["title"] = (
    Path(article["path"]).stem.replace("-", " ").replace("_", " ").title()

To turn this into a markata plugin I put it into a pre_render hook.

from pathlib import Path

from markata.hookspec import hook_impl, register_attr

def pre_render(markata) -> None:
    for article in markata.filter('title==""'):
        article["title"] = (
            Path(article["path"]).stem.replace("-", " ").replace("_", " ").title()