This is how I script a tmux layout
bash -c "tmux new-session -t 'editor' -d;\ tmux split-window -v 'zsh'; tmux send-keys nvim Space /src/ Space +GFiles C-m; \ tmux rotate-window; \ tmux select-pane -U; \ tmux -2 attach-session -d "
This is how I script a tmux layout
bash -c "tmux new-session -t 'editor' -d;\ tmux split-window -v 'zsh'; tmux send-keys nvim Space /src/ Space +GFiles C-m; \ tmux rotate-window; \ tmux select-pane -U; \ tmux -2 attach-session -d "
THPS 1 Skate Park Gaps
Trailmakers Pioneers
THPS 1 School Gaps
THPS 1 Mall Gaps
pre-commit exclude
newlines in css before
fixed long standing nvim startup error
vim date
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