I run a cloudflared tunnel on my ubuntu server to expose applications running on the server to the internet. I'm setting up a new server and running cloudflared in its own vm.

Get the cloudflared binary

sudo wget https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared/releases/latest/download/cloudflared-linux-amd64 -O /usr/local/bin/cloudflared

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cloudflared

Now setup the config directory. For the systemd service to work, the config file needs to be in /etc/cloudflared. I like to give my user rights to edit the config file without being sudo, we will do that here by creating a group cloudflared, add ourselves to the group, give ownership of /etc/cloudflared to the group, give group write access to the directory, and refresh groups.

sudo mkdir -p /etc/cloudflared
sudo groupadd cloudflared
sudo usermod -aG cloudflared $USER
sudo chown -R root:cloudflared /etc/cloudflared
sudo chmod g+w /etc/cloudflared
newgrp cloudflared


Now we can log into the domain zone with cloudflared.

cloudflared tunnel login

This will give a url, follow it in a browser to log in.

cloudflared tunnel create <NAME>
mv ~/.cloudflared/cert.pem /etc/cloudflared/cert.pem
mv ~/.cloudflared/<tunnel-id>.json /etc/cloudflared/<tunnel-id>.json


Now setup config. For the systemd service to work, the config file needs to be in /etc/cloudflared. The config that I have provided below will expose localhost:8000 to tester.example.com

export CLOUDFLARED_TUNNEL_ID=$(ls /etc/cloudflared/*.json | xargs -n 1 basename | sed 's/\.json$//')
mv ~/.cloudflared/${CLOUDFLARED_TUNNEL_ID}.json /etc/cloudflared/${CLOUDFLARED_TUNNEL_ID}.json
mv ~/.cloudflared/cert.pem /etc/cloudflared/cert.pem
echo "
credentials-file: /etc/cloudflared/$(CLOUDFLARED_TUNNEL_ID).json
  - hostname: tester.example.com
    service: http://localhost:8000
  - service: 'http_status:404'
" >> /etc/cloudflared/config.yaml


Now to get a dns record for tester.example.com to point to the cloudflared tunnel.

cloudflared tunnel route dns $(CLOUDFLARED_TUNNEL_ID) tester.example.com


Now install the systemd service.

sudo cloudflared service install

sudo systemctl status cloudflared.service
# if its not running
sudo systemctl start cloudflared.service