
This post is a thought. It's a short note that I make about someone else's content online. Learn more about the process thoughts

Here's my thought on ๐Ÿ’ญ learning strawberry

import logging
from typing import List

import strawberry
from fastapi import FastAPI
from strawberry.fastapi import GraphQLRouter

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

authors = {}
books = {}
book_authors = {}
authors_books = {}

def get_author_for_book(root) -> "Author":
    return authors[book_authors[]]

class Book:
    id: int
    title: str
    author: "Author" = strawberry.field(resolver=get_author_for_book)

def get_books_for_author(root) -> List[Book]:
    print(f"getting books for {root}")
    return [books[i] for i in authors_books[]]

class Author:
    id: int
    name: str
    books: List[Book] = strawberry.field(resolver=get_books_for_author)

authors = {1: Author(id=1, name="Michael Crichton")}
books = {1: Book(id=1, title="Jurassic Park")}
# relationships
book_authors[1] = 1
authors_books[1] = [1]

def get_author_by_id(id: int) -> Author:
    return authors.get(id)

def get_book_by_id(id: int) -> Book:
    return books.get(id)

def get_authors(root) -> List[Author]:
    return authors.values()

def get_books(root) -> List[Book]:
    return books.values()

class Query:
    author: Author = strawberry.field(resolver=get_author_by_id)
    book: Book = strawberry.field(resolver=get_book_by_id)
    authors: List[Author] = strawberry.field(resolver=get_authors)
    books: List[Book] = strawberry.field(resolver=get_books)

    def hello(self, name: str = None) -> str:
        """this is a resolver for hello, just like authors and books have a resolver"""
        if name is None:
            return "Hello World"
        return f"Hello {name}"

class AddBookInput:
    title: str = strawberry.field(description="The title of the book")
    author: str = strawberry.field(description="The name of the author")

class Mutation:
    # def add_book(self, title: str, author: str) -> Book:
    def add_book(self, book: AddBookInput) -> Book:
        print(f"i got a book: {book.title}")
        print(f"of type {type(book.title)}")
        name =
        title = book.title
        author = [author for id, author in authors.items() if == name]
        print(f"here are the names {[ for id, author in authors.items()]}")
        print(f"my name is { name }")
        print(f"this is the author i found {author}")
        if author:
            author = author[0]
            author_id =
            author_id = max(authors.keys()) + 1
            author = Author(id=author_id, name=name)
            authors[author_id] = author

        book = [b for id, b in books.items() if b.title == title]
        if book:
            book = book[0]
            book_id = max(books.keys()) + 1
            book_authors[book_id] = author_id
            print(f"I am making book {book_id}")
            print(f"{name} has books {authors_books.get(author_id)}")

            if author_id in authors_books.keys():
                authors_books[author_id] = [book_id]
            book = Book(id=book_id, title=title)
            books[book_id] = book

        print(f"i got books: {books}")
        print(f"i got authors: {authors}")
        return book

schema = strawberry.Schema(query=Query, mutation=Mutation)

router = GraphQLRouter(

app = FastAPI()

This post was a thought by Waylon Walker see all my thoughts at