shot of post - πŸ’­ FastHX

Here's my thought on πŸ’­ FastHX

Very interesting approach to htmx and fast api. It uses separate decorators for returning template partials and json that can be stacked to include both options on a single route. The templates are explicitly set in the decorator. Separate decorators are used for full page and partial pages. I don't see an example of full and partial pages being combined. I think the demo app must be behaving in a spa like fashion where it does not get all of the data when it calls index and index will ask for user-list.

Definitely going to keep my eye on this project and ponder on it.

from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates
from fasthx import Jinja
from pydantic import BaseModel

# Pydantic model of the data the example API is using.
class User(BaseModel):
    first_name: str
    last_name: str

# Create the app.
app = FastAPI()

# Create a FastAPI Jinja2Templates instance and use it to create a
# FastHX Jinja instance that will serve as your decorator.
jinja = Jinja(Jinja2Templates("templates"))

def index() -> None:

async def htmx_or_data() -> list[User]:
    return [
        User(first_name="John", last_name="Lennon"),
        User(first_name="Paul", last_name="McCartney"),
        User(first_name="George", last_name="Harrison"),
        User(first_name="Ringo", last_name="Starr"),

@jinja.hx("user-list.html", no_data=True)
def htmx_only() -> list[User]:
    return [User(first_name="Billy", last_name="Shears")]


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This post was a thought by Waylon Walker see all my thoughts at