shot of post - πŸ’­ Note-taking with Zettelkasten - An Introduction - YouTube

Here's my thought on πŸ’­ Note-taking with Zettelkasten - An Introduction - YouTube

Niklas Luhmann created the Zettelkasten method of notetaking, He was the Da Vinci of writing, holding a high standard that we can take inspiration from even today in this digital era.

As many times as I have seem the Zettelkasten covered, I never knew that it roughly translated to little cards in a box.

Four Principles #

Mischa lays out four principles of Zettelkasten.

  • Atomic - each card conains one idea
  • Link - cards are linked together
  • Structure - comes from the links
  • Own Words - You write the note in your own words

My blog, tils, and thoughts make up my own zettelkasten. I am not going to say that mine is a perfect representation of his method, but the components are here. rather than building books, my thoughts and tils build up to blog posts. The rate of blog posts I write definitely changes with the seasons of life, as seasons change it becomes a bigger or smaller part of the season.

I really like Mischa's most important note to Write in your own words, this is what really promotes learning, and proves to yourself that you can form a thought around the topic. Up until recently I've wrote everything, but lately I've taken to copy pasting some quotes into my thoughts posts, but I think this is fine, because generally its used to build on the narrative and give me a place to talk about the linked post.


This post is a thought. It's a short note that I make about someone else's content online. Learn more about the process thoughts

This post was a thought by Waylon Walker see all my thoughts at