Trailmakers 2.0 Pioneers was released today as an update to trailmakers. It's a brand new campaign mode that requires you to mine resources to get materials to craft your vehicles rather than salvage parts like you so in the Stranded Campaign. There also seems to be a more linear play through of the story with the frogitts, unlike stranded where it let you do anything completely open world, as long as you had the equipment to go there.

Four Frogitts #

Out of the gate Wyatt came in with four frogitts to rescue, I don't know how he found them all, I've only been able to find the first one that the master gives you to bring home as a tutorial.

First Boss #

After Wyatt left for bed I played a little more and beat the first of what felt like a boss level enemy, he had much different attacks. I did not think I would make it as I got hit hard from his first explosion attack before I realized what it did.

Here is where he was on the map.
