I am starting to stream 3 days per week, before I start work in the morning. These streams will likely be me just talking through things I am already doing.
Making DAGs do 🔮Magical Things | Open Source 🐍Python | kedro plugins |
Science & Technology | Every Monday • 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM CDT
On Monday's I am going to be working on open source packages/plugins for kedro.
- kedro-diff
- test kedro-diff on piplines with history
- setup deploy pipeline
- deply to pypi
🌱 Digital Gardening | Blogging with 🐍Python | Building 🔮Markata a static site generator in python for waylonwalker.com
Science & Technology | Every Wednesday • 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM CDT
On Wednesday morning I will be working on my personal website and the static site generator that I built for it, Markata.
- DONE ~one_line_gif~
- DONE automate mp4's - https://ahrefs.com/site-audit/2096186/66/data-explorer?columns=pageRating%2Curl%2ChttpCode%2CcontentType%2Csize%2CloadingTime%2CincomingImage&filterCollapsed=true&filterId=47a66a23cd538da9d08ea5e2c4f7c812&issueId=c64d8113-d0f4-11e7-8ed1-001e67ed4656&sorting=-size&udUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.waylonwalker.com%2Ftqdm2.gif
- Fix big images - https://ahrefs.com/site-audit/2096186/66/data-explorer?columns=pageRating%2Curl%2ChttpCode%2CcontentType%2Csize%2CloadingTime%2CincomingImage&filterCollapsed=true&filterId=47a66a23cd538da9d08ea5e2c4f7c812&issueId=c64d8113-d0f4-11e7-8ed1-001e67ed4656&sorting=-size
- Fix Amp issues
- speed up build times
- measure plugin performance
- speed up images.waylonwalker builds
- build footer
Error Correction
- redirect detector
- detect multiple H1
- title too short (50-70 characters)
- missing alt text
Building DAGS with 🐍 Python | 🛢 Writing data pipelines wih Kedro
Science & Technology | Every Friday • 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM CDT
Friday will be all about building DAG's or data related things in python. I might reach for something like tidy tuesday, makeover monday, or just do my own thing. I have a few ideas of things to do on my own first.
- open pypi package names