Before deploying to cloudflare pages with wrangler you need a cloudflare api token. You can get one at


Install Wrangler

Next install wrangler using npm.

npm i -g wrangler

Create a Project

Before you deploy to cloudflare pages you need to create a project. You might already have one, or you might want to create one in the webui, but you have the option to create it at the command line with wrangler.

npx wrangler pages deploy markout --project-name reader-waylonwalker-com --branch markout


Now you can deploy your static application using wrangler to cloudflare pages.

In this example I have my application built into the markout directory, and since the production branch is named markout I need to pass that in here as well.

wrangler pages deploy markout --project-name reader-waylonwalker-com --branch markout