# installation pip install mu-repo ## register repos mu register --recursive mu list # run git commands mu status --short mu diff -U0 --color | bat # run shell commands mu sh $(grep -iRl "KEDRO_GID=0" | xargs sed -i "s/KEDRO_GID=0/KEDRO_GID=5/g")
Registering Repos
mu register --all mu register --all mu register --recursive mu unregister --all
I have similar command line related shortcuts in my bash notes
Full Help
mu --help * mu register repo1 repo2: Registers repo1 and repo2 to be tracked. * mu register --all: Registers all subdirs with .git (non-recursive). * mu register --current: Registers all subdirs with .git (non-recursive). * mu register --recursive: Registers all subdirs with .git (recursive). * mu unregister repo1 repo2 | --all: Stops tracking some repository. * mu list: Lists the currently tracked repositories. * mu set-var git=d:/bin/git/bin/git.exe: Set git location to be used. * mu set-var serial=0|1: Set commands to be executed serially or in parallel. * mu get-vars: Prints the configuration file. * mu fix-eol: Changes end of lines to '\n' on all changed files. * mu find-branch [-r] *pat*: Finds all branches matching a given pattern (or simply mu fb). * mu git-init-config: Initial git configuration (username, log, etc.) * mu --version: Prints its version * mu auto-update: Automatically updates mu-repo (using git -- if it was installed from the repo as in the instructions). * mu dd: Creates a directory structure with working dir vs head and opens WinMerge with it (doing mu ac will commit exactly what's compared in this situation). Also accepts a parameter to compare with a different commit/branch. I.e.: mu dd HEAD^^ mu dd 9fd88da mu dd development * mu sh <command line> Allows calling any command line in the registered repositories e.g.: mu sh ls -la will call ls -la on all registered repositories. * mu clone: Cloning multiple repos from a base url. Use mu clone --help to open browser with more details. * mu <command> repo:<repo1>,<repo2> Allows specifying target repositories for a single command: e.g.: mu st repo:repo1,repo2: Will do st on repo1 and repo2. * mu group: Repository grouping * mu group add <name> [--empty]: Creates new group with current repositories, unless --empty is given * mu group rm <name>: Removes a group * mu group switch <name>: Switches to an existing group * mu group reset: Stops using the current group (uses all repos again). * mu group: With no parameters, just lists current groups Use mu register normally to add repositories to the current group Use mu list to list repositories in the current group Shortcuts: mu st = Nice status message for all repos (always in parallel) mu co branch = git checkout branch mu mu-branch = git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD (print current branch) mu up = git fetch origin curr_branch:refs/remotes/origin/curr_branch mu up --all = git fetch origin (always in parallel) mu upd | sync = up/diff incoming changes mu a = git add -A mu c msg = git commit -m "Message" (the message must always be passed) mu ac msg = git add -A & git commit -m (the message must always be passed) mu acp msg = same as 'mu ac' + git push origin current branch. mu p = git push origin current branch. mu rb = git rebase origin/current branch. mu shell = On msysgit, call sh --login -i (linux-like env) mu fb [-r] pat= Shortcut for find-branch Any other command is passed directly to git for each repository: I.e.: mu pull mu fetch mu push mu checkout release Note: Actions considered safe may always be executed in parallel (i.e.: mu st) Note: Passing --timeit in any command will print the time for the command.