Bash is super powerful.
File System Full #
Show Remaining Space on Drives
df -h
show largest files in current directory
du . -h --max-depth=1
Move files then symlink them
mkdir /mnt/mounted_drive mv ~/bigdir /mnt/mounted_drive ln -s /mnt/mounted_drive/bigdir ~/bigdir
Fuzzy One Liners #
a() {source activate "$(conda info --envs | fzf | awk '{print $
edit in vim
vf() { fzf | xargs -r -I % $EDITOR % ;}
cat a file
vf() { fzf | xargs -r -I % $EDITOR % ;}
bash execute
bf() { bash "$(fzf)" }
git add
gadd() { git status -s | fzf -m | awk '{print $2}' | xargs git add && git status -s}
git reset
greset() { git status -s | fzf -m | awk '{print $2}' |xargs git reset && git status -s}
Kill a process
fkill() {kill $(ps aux | fzf | awk '{print($2)}')}
Finding things #
fd-find is amazing for finding files, it even respects your .gitignore
file 😲. Install with apt install fd-find
fd md
ag -g python
find . -n "*.md"
++Vanilla Bonus
** show matching text **
ag python
grep -iR Python
++Vanilla Bonus
** show file names only **
ag -l python
grep -iRl python
++Vanilla Bonus
Recursively Replace text
agr() {ag -l "$1" | xargs sed -i "s/$1/$2/g"}
++Vanilla Bonus
grepr() {grep -iRl "$1" | xargs sed -i "s/$1/$2/g"}
Extending **agr**
or **grepr**
There are so many options inside of grep
, ag
, and sed
that you could many an enormous amount of these if you really wanted to, but I like to keep it simple. These cover 90% of my usage. If I wanted to change something in the second half I would just paste in this command and edit it. More often though I want to limit the input, say only replace word1 to word2 inside of markdown files.
Limited Scope
fd md | xargs argr python python3
find . -n "*.md" | xargs grepr python python3
++Vanilla Bonus
I use these replace commands heavily when doing large refactorings.
conditionally configure
I like this one when there is not a good cli into config files and I need to replace something like a true to false if the value is in the config and append to the config if its not.
grepr() { # replaces first string with second string inside file from third argument # example: # grepr "allow_conda_downgrades:.*" "allow_conda_downgrades: true" ~/.condarc if grep -xq $1 $3 then sed -i "s|$1|$2|g" $3 else echo "$2" >> $3 fi }
Watch the time
watch -n 1 date
++Vanilla Bonus
with figlet
watch -n 1 bash -c "date | figlet"
watch a function
run () { date aws s3 sync $BUCKET . } export -f run watch -n 10 run
if conda environment does not exist create it
conda info --envs | grep my_env && echo "my_env environment is installed" || conda create -n my_env python=3.8 -y source activate my_env
Rename multiple files #
more info from linuxize
for f in *.png; do mv ${f} prefix-${f} done
using the rename command
sudo apt install rename
rename "s/.GIF/.gif/" *.GIF
convert all files in a directory to unix #
dos2unix **/*
recursively remove all whitespace from .py files #
find **/*.py -type f -exec sed -i 's/ *$//' '{}' ';'
recursively autopep8 #
find . -name '*.py' -exec autopep8 --in-place '{}' \;
make bash script a runnable command #
include a shebang
#! /bin/bash
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/my_script
accept positional input
#! /bin/bash input=$1 echo input
Using pyp #
pipx install pyp
replacement for cut #
❯ python -m http.server 5000 & [1] 8574 ✦ ❯ Serving HTTP on port 5000 ( ... ✦ ❯ ps aux | grep "python -m http.server" | grep -v grep | pyp 'line.split()[1]' | xargs kill [1] + terminated python -m http.server 5000
replacement for wc #
conda info --envs | pyp 'len(lines) - 3 # account for header and base'
print contents of shell function #
declare -f <function-name>
batch rename files #
for f in *.jpeg; do mv -- "$f" "${f%.jpeg}.jpg" done
convert markdown files to reveal.js #
https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/wiki/Using-pandoc-to-produce-reveal.js-slides install pandoc
apt install pandoc
wget https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/archive/master.tar.gz tar -xzvf master.tar.gz mv reveal.js-master reveal.js
pandoc -t revealjs -s -o myslides.html myslides.md -V revealjs-url=https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/
Render Markdown at the command line #
Glow is a terminal markdown renderer written in go. There iis a prebuilt binary that can simply be unzipped and executed to render markdow.
wget https://github.com/charmbracelet/glow/releases/download/v0.2.0/glow_0.2.0_linux_x86_64.tar.gz tar -xzf glow_0.2.0_linux_x86_64.tar.gz chmod +x glow sudo mv glow /usr/bin glow <filename>
Autocomplete for click applications #
see the docs for more details
Autocomplete for non click python cli's #
shtab https://github.com/iterative/shtab
Ensure functions reset context #
project_log() { _dir=$(pwd) _project_log() { cd ~/projects/project git log } _project_log $@ && cd $_dir || cd $_dir }
Finding Files #
rg --files . | grep bash rg --files . | rg bash rg --files . | ag bash rg --files . | fzf rg -e 'hook' -g '*.md' rg -e 'hook' -g '*.py' rg --files-with-matches rg --files-without-match
mu-repo #
# installation pip install mu-repo ## register repos mu register --recursive mu list # run git commands mu status --short mu diff -U0 --color | bat # run shell commands mu sh $(grep -iRl "KEDRO_GID=0" | xargs sed -i "s/KEDRO_GID=0/KEDRO_GID=5/g")
See the full post for mu-repo for more
mu unregister all #
I ran into some issues with mu unregister * before, but this seems to work everywhere.
mu list | tail -n +3 | xargs -I {} mu unregister {}
mu register all repos that have an rg match #
Add all repos that have a versionspec of 3.7 in them.
rg --hidden=true 'versionSpec:.*.3.7' -l | xargs -I {} mu register {}
xrandr #
xrandr -s 1920x1080