Tonight my son and I played rounds, I pulled clips of all the final rounds of each set of rounds. We play hardly any games with guns in them, this is one of the few exceptions, it feels quite whimsical, fun, and strategic, and not at all realistic or first person. The strategy part really brings me back to the fps games I would play with friends in my teens.
Round 1 - Orange
I thought I had him on this one. I had this rare power up that allows me to shot through walls. It came down to the very last round and he had too much firepowerfor me.
Round 2 - Blue
The final round of round 2 was Super fast. I felt like I nerfed my homing power up by adding fastball to it and it didn't really home in anymore. What made it so quick, I think he had glass cannon and I laid down two well placed shots.
Round 3 - Orange
Round three he got some really good cards, but too much firepower and stacking bouncy and ricochet made it too much to control and he friendly fired both rounds.
Round 4 - Blue
Round 4 I stacked up radiance and saw and just went for it. Radiance emits the power of the sun while reloading, so I went in guns blazin, pulled the shield for saw and ran at him.
Round 5
Round 5 I stacked up a multi shot, Big bullet, and timed explosion. I didn't let off the firepower and there was no chance.