The copier answers file is a key component to making your templates re-runnable. Let's look at the example for my

 tree ~/.copier-templates/
├── [[ _copier_conf.answers_file ]].tmpl
├── copier.yml
├── setup.cfg

0 directories, 4 files

Inside of my [[ _copier_conf.answers_file ]].tmpl file is this, a message not to muck around with it, and the ansers in yaml form. The first line is just a helper for the blog post.

# ~/.copier-templates/\[\[\ _copier_conf.answers_file\ \]\].tmpl
# Changes here will be overwritten by Copier; NEVER EDIT MANUALLY

Inside my copier.yml I have setup my _answers_file to point to a special file. This is because this is not a whole projet template, but one just for a single file.

# copier.yml
# ...
_answers_file: .setup-py-copier-answers.yml

Once I change the _answers_file I was incredibly stuck

Run it #

I'm making a library of personal copier templates in my ~/.copier-templates directory and I am going to run it from there.

copier copy ~/.copier-templates/

Results #

After rendering the template we have the following content in our .setup.setup-py-copier-answers.yml file. This will allow us to update quick if we ever change our template.

# .setup-py-copier-answers.yml
# Changes here will be overwritten by Copier; NEVER EDIT MANUALLY
_src_path: /home/walkers/.copier-templates/
author_github: waylonwalker
author_name: Waylon Walker
description: awesomeness
framework: null
keywords: null
package_name: my-package

Update it #

This is where I was most stuck, primarily becuase -a <answers_file> must come exactly after the base command copier. This felt a bit odd to and not where I expected it so it.

copier -a .setup-py-copier-answers.yml update

Stop asking all these damn questions #

So the defaults are now changed to our previous results, but it keeps asking for them. To stop asking we can simply add a -f flag.

copier -fa .setup-py-copier-answers.yml update