Vimconf 2022

The pitch #

Extending vim does not need to be complicated and can be done using cli tools that you might already be comfortable with. Examples, setting up codeformatters with autocmds, using lf/ranger as a tui file manager, generating new files using a template framework like cookiecutter/copier/yeoman, using ag to populate your quickfix.

run a command #


formatters #

local settings = require'waylonwalker.settings'

M.waylonwalker_augroup = augroup('waylonwalker', { clear = true })
M.format_python = function()
    if settings.auto_format.python then
        vim.cmd('silent execute "%!tidy-imports --black --quiet --replace-star-imports --replace --add-missing --remove-unused " . bufname("%")')
        vim.cmd('silent execute "%!isort " . bufname("%")')
        vim.cmd('silent execute "%!black " . bufname("%")')

autocmd({ "BufWritePost" }, {
    pattern = { "*.py" },
    callback = M.format_python,

File Navigation #

vim.keymap.set('n', 'geit', '<cmd>terminal markata list --map path --filter \'"til" in path\' --fast --no-pager<cr>')

vim.keymap.set('n', 'geit', '<cmd>Telescope find_files find_command=markata,list,--map,path,--filter,date==today,--fast<cr>')

vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>ee', '<cmd>vertical terminal lf<cr>')

FloatTerm #

vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader><leader>w', '<cmd>FloatermNew waylonwalker<cr>')
vim.g['floaterm_opener'] = 'vsplit'
vim.keymap.set('n', 'gee', '<cmd>FloatermNew lf<cr>')

vimgrep over hidden files #

I know all the files that I care to search for are called build.yml, and they are in a hidden directory.

:args `fd -H build.yml`
:vimgrep /upload docs/ ##

Once opened as a buffer by using args, and a handy fd command I can vimgrep over all the open buffers using ##

Open buffers are represented by ##

Now I can just dap and :cnext my way through the list of changes that I have, and know that I hit every one of them when I am at the end of my list. And can double check this in about 10s by scrolling back through the quickfix list.