Initial post

Thank You for getting up with me this morning. I really appreciate all of the extra help. It means a lot to have my life partner there with me in the morning helping with the kids.

Thank You

Those two words are very powerful. This morning when I was helping Rhiannon cut her hair she looked at me and told me thank you very sincerely. It cut really deep inside, and made me feel really good. I dont think I expressed my gratitude for it very well as I had not yet had my coffee, and my response time was a bit lacking. This is something that I would like to work on with my kids. We really focus on our please's but, sometimes Thank Yous are forgotten, and we are just happy that they are happy.

"It cut really deep inside, and made me feel really good."

Overall I am most grateful today for the good morning that I have had with my beautiful wife Rhiannon and our two kids, Ayla and Wyatt.