💠Imagegenius/Docker-Immich: Monolithic (Single) D...
imagegenius has made an immich all in one setup that looks much easier to use than immich.
💠Gitroomhq/Postiz-Helmchart: Helm For Postiz
Reminder to myself, look into self hosting postiz with this helm chart later.
💠Linkding | Linkding
linkding looks like an interesting alternative to thoughts. Thoughts is focused on the note being a value add tweet len
Debug Cloudflared Tunnel
I In yesterday [
Setup Cloudflared Tunnel On Ubuntu
I run a cloudflared tunnel on my ubuntu server to expose applications running Now setup the config directory. For the systemd service to work, the config Now w
💠Fitting Two Hard Drives And An Ssd In A Dell Opt...
This guy fit 2 3.5" drives and an sdd in a dell 7050 SFF. It looks tight, and there it probably not much airflow runnin
💠Why You Should Build Your Homelab Now - Youtube
Homelabbers have been some of the best co-workers I have ever had. Typically have a get shit done, If there's a way I w
Looking For A Heroku Replacement, What I Found Was...
I Now the part that I have struggled with is how to cheaply host a server I never really deployed anything that useful on heroku, but it seems like the fly is a
💠Uptime Kuma
Uptime kuma is a fantastic self hosted monitoring tool. One docker run command and you are up and running. Once you ar
💠Creating K8S Jobs With Python
I was looking to add running kubernetes jobs to a python cli I am creating, and I found this solution, mostly thanks to
💠Translate A Docker Compose File To Kubernetes Re...
kompose is a sick cli to convert docker-compose.yml to kubernetes manifest. bash install curl -L https://githu
💠Mkimuram/K8Sviz: Generate Kubernetes Architectur...
This is a sick kubernetes architecture diagran generation tool. Here is an example ![an example output from k8sviz](ht
💠Can'T Create Secret In Kubernetes: Illegal Base6...
In order to use k8s secrets manifest you first need to encode the data values. bash echo -n 'megasecretkey' | ope
💠Inspect A Kubernetes Persistentvolumeclaim | Fra...
I was curious to see what was going on inside of my minio object storage. Great technique here by Frank to create an ins
💠Kubernetes Persistent Volumes With Deployment An...
Example of how to add a pvc to a deployment.
💠Daniel Nashed'S Blog
Running your own docker registry in one line bash podman run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry regi
💠Quick-Start Guide | K3S
I recently spun up k3s in my homelab. I'm trying to offload some work off of my free tier fly.io app in order to keep i
💠Can I Access K3S Using Just Kubectl (No Sudo And...
Right after installing k3s you are going to need to use sudo to use any kubectl command. The reason for this is tha
Modded Minecraft In Docker
In my adventure to put more homelab in docker, I moved our modded So far I have found all of our mods from under the hood docker is using wget to get the mod.
Running A Minecraft Server In Docker
I In all these years, I My buddy Nic has been sharing me some of his homelab setup, and it I ended up running the first thing in the Readme that included a volu