💠World's easiest Live dashboard with htmx - YouTu...
Damn he makes this easy. I did not know about hx-select. yes there is waste in requesting the entire thing every 5s,
💠How to configure base url for all requests using...
Today I learned how to configure the baseurl for htmx using the <base> tag. This is pretty handy to be able to configur
Very interesting approach to htmx and fast api. It uses separate decorators for returning template partials and json th
Very interesting approach to htmx and fast api. It uses separate decorators for returning template partials and json th
💠> htmx ~ The response-targets Extension
The htmx response-targets extension allows me to respond to errors from the backend and do normal htmx swaps. > !!! not
jinja loop variable and htmx
jinja has a loop variable that is very handy to use with htmx. Whether you want to implement a click to load more or an infinite scroll this loop variable is v
💠> htmx ~ Locality of Behaviour (LoB)
Interesting principle here. What a great example, If I'm looking at the second jQuery example, I have to dig into dev t
sse-starlette provides server sent events for startlette and FastApi. I'm evaluating for use with htmx. Installatio
💠teej dv 🔠on X: "Hypermedia fixes this HATEOAS g...
HATEOAS gonna hate. More and more htmx seems like the js library for backend devs. So rather than making 55 rest calls
💠> htmx ~ The disable-element Extension
An extension to disable elements during flight of an htmx request, Looks super useful for things like a create or delete
💠> htmx ~ hx-indicator Attribute
The htmx-request class is added to htmx-target elements. You can target this css selector to create loading state
💠The Truth About HTMX | Prime Reacts - YouTube
Prime concisely made sense of why htmx is so awesome compared to what has become modern reactive web dev in 2 minutes.
💠> htmx ~ Examples ~ Updating Other Content
Three ways to support updating other content. Fantastic article walking through the different ways to update other part
💠python - How to use a Pydantic model with Form d...
I went down the route of leveraging the json-enc extention in htmx, but later realized that this completely breaks bro
💠> htmx ~ The json-enc Extension
json-enc extension converts url encoded form values into json encoded data, this is very useful for fastapi to have the
💠> htmx ~ Documentation
A complete reference of all of the htmx swapping methods.
💠> htmx ~ The client-side-templates Extension
Using templates with htmx requires the client-side-templates extension, and the template engine to be loaded in a <scri
💠HTMX looks pretty neat #coding #javascript - You...
Love the poling example with hx-trigger='every 1s'.