The Kedro node is an essential part of the pipeline. It defines what catalog entries get passed in, what function gets ran, and the catalog entry to save the results under.

πŸ‘† Unsure what kedro is? Check out this post.

The node function

The node function is the most common and reccomended way to define kedro nodes. It is a function that constructs and returns Node objects for you.

Creating your first kedro node

from kedro.pipeline import node

def identity(df):
    "a function that returns itself"
    return df

my_first_node = node(


The func passed into node can be any callable that accepts the inputs yout have specified, and returns the correct output that you specify as your output.

  • any callable
  • a function you write
  • a function from a library
  • class constructor
  • lambda function
  • partial function
  • literally any callable

For more information on how kedro passes inputs into your functions check out this post

import pandas as pd
from kedro.pipeline import node

range_node = node(lambda: range(100), None, "range", name="range"),
dataframe_node = node(pd.DataFrame, "range", "df"),

Using a lambda as a function

I keep my nodes short and sweet. They do one thing and do it well. I turn almost every DataFrame transformation into its own node. It makes it must easier to pull catalog entries, than firing up the pipeline, running it, and starting a debugger. For this reason many of my nodes are build from inline lambdas.

from kedro.pipeline import node

my_first_node = node(
   func=lambda x: x,

my_first_node = node(
   func=lambda cars: cars[['mpg', 'cyl', 'disp',]].query('disp>200'),

Using a partial function

I prefer the simplicity of lambdas, but many others prefer using a partial as it can yield a better docstring, node name, and easier to reuse. I name all of my nodes anyways, never look at the docstring of a partial, and almost always only use them on a single node or set of nodes constructed together. So I prefer the readablility of the lambda most of the time, but if you like partials better, or need to assign it to a variable and reuse it, here are some partial examples.

from kedro.pipeline import node
from functools import partial, update_wrapper

def divide(array, by):
    return [i/by for i in array]

halfer = update_wrapper(partial(divide, by=2), divide)

my_halfer_node = node(

We can achieve the same results that the partial gave with this lambda.

my_halfer_node = node(
   func=lambda array: divide(array, 2),

To further show the point that any callable can be out node's func, I have made a partial from the pd.DataFrame class that has column names pre populated.

from kedro.pipeline import node
import pandas as pd
from functools import partial, update_wrapper

MyDataFrame = update_wrapper(partial(pd.DataFrame, columns=["mycol"]), pd.DataFrame)

range_node = node(lambda: range(100), None, "range", name="range"),
dataframe_node = node(MyDataFrame, "range", "df"),


kedro inputs and outputs can be None, a catalog entry, or a dict mapping the functions keyword arguments to catalog entries. Catalog entries are always represented as a string matching the key of the catalog entry you want to load.


no catalog entries

Sometimes you may want to have a node without any inputs. This node may be used to generate some data from scratch, or fetch some data that does not have an existing DataSet type setup. DataSets are easy to setup, simply fork one of kedros built in ones and use it, but for one or two nodes the setup may not be worth it.

from kedro.pipeline import node

random_100_node = node(
   func=lambda: random.sample(range(0, 100), 100),


one catalog entry

This is by far the most common input that you will use. This will simply tell kedro what dataset to load behind the scenes and passin to the function that you provide.

from kedro.pipeline import node

random_100_node = node(
   func=lambda random_100: [x**2 for x in random_100],

Note, I am using a lot of lambdas here for simplicity as each function so far is a simple one-liner. These could also be a regular function if you are uncomfortable with lambdas.


several catalog entries, passed in by position

In order to start passing in more than one DataSet into a kedro node you need to use a list or dictionary as the input. Using a list is convenient for a small number of inputs.

from kedro.pipeline import node

random_100_node = node(
   func=lambda random_100, random_squared: list(zip(random_100, random_squared)
   inputs=['random_100', 'random_squared'],


several catalog entries, passed in by name

kedro will unpack dictionaries into your function if you pass in a dictionary. In code review I start suggesting converting from a list to dict at 3 and require it above 5. It gets way too hard to refactor and move things while keeping track of the order of really long sets of inputs. Passing them in by name, as a dictionary, makes it such that order no longer matters.

from kedro.pipeline import node

random_100_node = node(
   func=lambda x, y: list(zip(x, y)),
   inputs={'x': 'random_100', 'y':'random_squared'},

Switch from list to dict inputs between 3 and five inputs to improve readability and prevent ordering mistakes.


Tags provide an easy way to add a label nodes for something to interact with them. This may be a node that we want a plugin to modify or a set of nodes that we want quick access to during development.

Tags are always passed in as a list of strings. They must be a 1-d data structure. You may create that data structure however you want, but its still just a list of strings. Below I have set a global variable TAGS that I want to apply to every node within a given module, then I splat it into every nodes tags. This lets me easily apply a whole set of tags to an entire module of nodes. I can easily modify that list of nodes if I wanted to, but its acually rare that I do.

TAGS = ['cars']

my_first_node = node(
   tags=['int', *TAGS]

# get a pipeline of one node
one_node = pipeline.only_nodes_with_tags('int')

# get a pipeline of a few nodes
one_node = pipeline.only_nodes_with_tags('raw', 'int')


The name attribute is simple, it's the name of the node. Later you can use the name to find the node or all nodes named a particular way. This name will also show up in the logs provided by kedro or a plugin so naming things well makes everything much easier to read.

Consistent naming makes it easier to do things like extracting nodes out of a pipeline, running them, and making pipelines from them.

# get a pipeline of one node
one_node = pipeline.only_nodes('a_raw_cars')

# get a pipeline of a few nodes
one_node = pipeline.only_nodes('a_raw_cars', 'a_raw_trains')

# create a pipeline by nodes that contain 'raw' in the name
raw_nodes = Pipeline([node for node in pipeline.nodes if 'raw' in])

⚠️ filtering by name requires a bit o diligence and consistency by the team, it's a fantastic way to grab some nodes adhoc, but for production you probably want something a bit more robust.

Using PartitionedDataSets

def timeseries_partitioned(cars: Dict):
    return {k:len(car()) for k, car in cars.items()}


Using IncrementalDataSets

def timeseries_incremental(cars: Dict):
    return {k:len(car) for k, car in cars.items()}


for more information in incremental and partitioned datasets see this post

This may be a separate post on the pipeline object

Execution order

Execution order is set by resolving catalog dependencies. I imagine kedro taking a razer blade tool and slicing out all nodes with completed dependencies, throwing those in a bag drawing them out one by one randomly, then when the bag is full it slices more out and repeats until there are no more nodes. This idea of randomness can be really maddening when there are two separate issues on your pipeline. If you are debugging an error in your pipeline run the erroring node by itself.

πŸ”₯ If you are debugging an error in your pipeline run the erroring node by itself.

Running specific nodes

the power of the DAG

One of the greatest benefits of using kedro is that it gives you a Pipeline object that is a DAG. This is a powerful object that can quickly pull decide a set of nodes to run when you tell it to run to or from somewhere. Somewhere being either a catalog entry or node.

DAG (directed acyclic graph) is a fancy word for a data structure that may branch and join, but may not loop

by name

by tag




from outputs