I just implemented a latest blog post link in Markata by asking for the first post slug from the blog feed. The implementation uses the jinja_md plugin to render jinja against the markdown and a tag to redirect.
My latest blog post is [[ {{ markata.feeds.blog.posts[0].slug }} ]]. Click the link if you are not automatically redirected. <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; url='/{{ markata.feeds.blog.posts[0].slug }}'" />
Setting up the feed #
Feeds are setup in markata.toml
configuration. They provide a handy way to
create an html feed, rss feed, and quickly reference a filtered set of posts
like this.
# you will need to enable the jinja_md plugin along with the defaults [markata] hooks = [ "markata.plugins.jinja_md", "default", ] # set up the blog feed [[markata.feeds]] slug = 'blog' template = "feed.html" filter = "date<=today and templateKey in ['blog-post'] and published" sort = "date" reverse = true
For more information on markata check out the full markata post.